You can read the full particulars over at SFScope blog, but the jist is that some pinhead calling himself Ghost51 has hammered Serpentarius' site so bad that they have given in and shut down.
Their ending words were: If you know some teen named Ghost51, tell him thanks for ruining things.
If you liked the magazine or not, if you read it or not - frankly that isn't the issue. What is though is some pin head with a hair across his ass and a hard drive full of tools he bought off ebay, most likely, has limited your choices. Swell..........
Their ending words were: If you know some teen named Ghost51, tell him thanks for ruining things.
If you liked the magazine or not, if you read it or not - frankly that isn't the issue. What is though is some pin head with a hair across his ass and a hard drive full of tools he bought off ebay, most likely, has limited your choices. Swell..........
There's far too much about this that pisses me off. Was there a logical point to all of this or was it just some stupid kid fooling around? If you're going to be a hacker, at least be a hacker against "the man", not against ordinary folks trying to do something good...*sigh*
Their website says they were used as a malware distribution point. It doesn't say what kind of malware, but most of it nowadays has a profit motive (think pop-ups, spyware, and spamming botnets). That would be a logical point to doing something like that. Apparently they've been hacked before, though, so it could just be some jackass trying to cause trouble. It's impossible to say without more info.
S. I wish I had the answers, but Paulo has the most up to date info. I hear your frustrations. We used to do minor stuff just to screw with each other. A way to pass the time. Now its all about making a name for yourself or as Paulo put it, to spread more of their filth. Little Brother was the way I thought it would play out. Maybe I am being too simplistic, but what is wrong with being the keeper of free speech. Thats a whole lot better than spreading botnet nodes.
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