Though I loathe to put anything Batman in the category of science fiction (come on, he is a rich vigilante, who has a lot of cool stuff) when there is sufficient enough weirdness, I can't resist. Christopher Nolan is the director of the next installment of the series with a working title of "The Caped Crusader". And according to Mike Hineman writing for SyFyPortal, Nolan is considering Cher for the part of Cat Woman.
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A representative for Warner Brothers said all the talk about Cher slipping on the leather onesie is just a big fat rumor. Ok, the nightmare is over, we can now carry on with our lives!
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- "Cher is Nolan's first choice to play Catwoman," a studio executive reportedly told the British newspaper. "He wants to portray her like a vamp in her twilight years. The new Catwoman will be the absolute opposite of Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry's ( portrayals)
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A representative for Warner Brothers said all the talk about Cher slipping on the leather onesie is just a big fat rumor. Ok, the nightmare is over, we can now carry on with our lives!
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In the name of all that's holy, no!!!! What is Nolan on?
Yeah, she has definitly gone from "if I could turn back time" to "if I could squeeze this lime...."
NO, no,noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
well, the word from WB is no Cher in leather undies. ok to breathe now
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