This week on Beam Me Up episode 359, I am kind of all over the place. After the intro for this week's program I read Kallamis' weekly rundown of the events in science and science fiction that Kallamis has found interesting, from flights to the ISS to strange meteorites and Independence Day sequels It turns out that Independence Day is one of Xnewsman's favorites for a couple of scenes in the movie.
From here I read our first of two stories.
The first is a melancholy tale from K. A. Dearsley called Salvage.
Next I serve up some Star Trek trivia With such diverse questions as Tribble origin's to the original first episode.
I have some Earth_Sky news with some new Milky Way news and a mysterious ring system forming in a distant section of our Milky Way galaxy.
And while we are on the subject Courtney sent in an article describing a most unusual black hole / star pairing where the gravity around the black hole is whipping the star around in an orbit of over 1 million miles per hour!
To finish off the hour, I read part 5 of Know How - Can Do by Michael Blumlein.
and th th th th that's all folks!
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