You ever come across an article that for about a half second seems reasonable, but then you find yourself HUH? WTF?! Well here is one of those moments, for me at least.
Using a centrifuge to aide in childbirth. Wait! It gets better! Someone thought this one through. I guess in the same way you would "think through" running over old ladies....1 get in car 2 start car 3 & 4 drive around and look for old ladies and so on...
So.... from the article....
- Seen here is an unusual example of excess G's being harnessed for the good. The patent holders, George B. and Charlotte Blonsky, contend that the centrifuge could be a boon to "more civilized women," who, they surmise, often lack the muscle strength needed to easily push out a baby.
Oh and you have to love what the article calls an elasticized "pocket-shaped newborn net"
Is that like the net that catches a plane when it misses the restraining cables? It would also explain where the doctor or midwife (baseball catcher) would be positioned....
It has got to be an example of just not thinking this through. I mean we are not just talking about a baby here....am I right in wondering about a placenta under high G acceleration? I mean, do we even want to go there?
It's little tidbits like this that makes one certain that at some point that you have stepped over to an alternative universe....huh?
Boing Boing article centrifuge patent
Wow. I like the analogy of how this came be..."the same way you'd think about running over old ladies."
Thanks for the laugh - I have tears in my eyes ...
OMG then you are as warped as I am!
But you think about it....even the most outrageous action if broken down into reasonable steps seem perfectly acceptable until you look at them in retrospect!
You and me both Gary! After five years of doing the show I didn't think things could get any weirder and this is served up on a silver platter! I swear I could feel something snap in my abdomen while I was reading the article......And for those of you that have not checked out the link, oh do so, please! They took it and ran all the line out and then some.
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