Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gardens of the Mind - PBS & Mr. Rogers Remix

Mister Rogers remixed by Symphony of Science's John D. Boswell for PBS Digital Studios.

John of Symphony has several works in progress. He writes about this compilation: Symphony of Science is still alive and well, and there will be new videos released shortly.

John's biggest project is called Terra Lumina. He describes it as an original, full length folk/rock album all about science. The Terra Lumina project is being funded by a kick-starter campaign that you can hear the proposal from the man himself here Sounds like a worthy project to me!


kallamis said...

One word. Okay, two words.
Fracking cool.

Beam Me Up said...

yep! I thought the same! lol did you see where he is kickstarting an album? Pay day comes and I think I will drop a fiver on that one. I can just imagine!