Sunday, July 29, 2012

Beam Me Up episode 324 is now online

Here we are again for another week of Beam Me Up. This week in episode 324, I start off with an article posted by Kallamis who noted that we have lost one of our greatest scientific and space ...I have to say it...heroes Sally Ride . I note how little recognition Mz. Ride received for being the United States' first woman in space among many other accomplishments.

Next is our first story of the afternoon. I had started reading some golden age science fiction only to discover that Librivox had both of these excellent pieces of fiction already available, so what had started as a celebration of some of the early days of written fiction, instead becomes additionally an example of some of the great fiction available on Librivox!

The first story is “I am a Stranger here Myself” by Mac Reynolds.

Fast on the heals of our first story is Star Trek Trivia. I answer last week's questions and ask two more more trivia questions.

This week I found 3 very good article from Earth Sky that really cover a variety of scientific questions.
I am certain you will enjoy this week's Earth Sky section.

The final article from the blog was an excellent run down of the newest Mars exploratory vehicle called the Mars Mobile Vehicle or Curiosity that is due to land on Mars the sixth of August and there is supposed to be close to live broadcasting as they can get it. Of course there has been some confusion about how live “live” will be, but I am just anxious to see that it arrives healthy!

And finally another Librivox offering called Cully by Jack Egan which details a very mysterious walk across the ocean bottom.


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