Ion the Editor of Antipodean magazine dropped a note to me saying:
By the time you receive this message AntipodeanSF Issue 127 will be
available for your enjoyment on the net. AntiSF appears at its new
home URL: , with redesigned interactive pages. Some
of the features of the site are as yet unfinished, so please bear with
us as we finalise the format, layout, and interactivity.
Don't forget, the URL for AntiSF has changed (although the old domain
will point to it for quite some time to come):
The one thing that hasn't changed is that AntiSF is devoted to
bringing you ten of the best flash SF stories from the antipodes and
podes. This month's crop of stories includes:
"Teamwork," By David McVeigh
My shoes were full of freezing mud, and the dog smelled of rotting
mattresses and sewerage.
"Saving The Planet,"By Richard Kerslake
The corner office was stifling. Pete Hayes leaned back from his
screen, stuffed his tie in his pocket and swore.
"Save The Last Dance," By Mark Farrugia
In my line of work I meet a lot of people — truth to tell it's one
of the things that attracted me to this job. Occasionally, I’m even
lucky enough to reacquaint myself with old friends…and lovers.
"In Development," By Mark Tremble
"Only one more day's walk, dad?" the boy asked.
"The Fire That Flows Downstream," By Marian Stone
They say the hottest part of a flame is bluish-green — the beryl of
aquamarine — like that of the waterfall on the planet Omel?,
constituting parts of fire, not H2O.
"When In Rome," By Shaun A. Saunders
“Please state the purpose of your visit,” said the man in the
grey suit.
"Cure," by Anna Potts
Sometimes a cure can be worse than the disease.
"Car For Sale," By KJ Hannah Greenberg
“Call 571-4329,” proclaimed the car’s placard. Henry and I
smiled. Two blocks earlier, a motorcycle’s sign had likewise
espoused vehicular virtue. It’s been cheaper, for a while, to post
than to print.
"The Hunt," By David Such
Plunk grinned. “How much do you think we'll make? A hundred grand?
I reckon at least a hundred grand. What do you reckon?”
"Guy Walks Into a Bar ... (Theme and Variations)," By Simon Petrie
… orders a jug and goes to sit at a table with his mates. They
order more drinks, and the evening draws on.
At the new AntiSF you'll also find our usual review columns, plus a
new system that allows you to rate each story. You'll need to register
if you want to use the rating system. Please note that the
subscription list is not linked with the ability to rate or leave
comments, and is managed via the usual mailing list software that can
be accessed using the "Subscription" link at the site. Once again,
please bear with me as we make some fine tuning and changes to the new
I hope you enjoy the new look AntipodeanSF.