Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another "The Moon Landings Were a Hoax" video...scream if you must!

I know more than a couple of you are going to get pissed with me posting this, but I find it fascinating how deluded these people really are. Their logic is is complete and under it's own bears up well to scrutiny. It is only when you start putting a BS filter to it that things begin to break down. Just enough truth to make it sound plausible. Check it out. It really is frightening knowing that these people may gain a power base!


kallamis said...

I have the perfect answer for this, from one conspiracy buff to all the others out there.
If we didn't land on the moon, and you are so sure of this, and have the proof, then what about those that have proof of the robot head we found there.
And what about the crystal pyramid that NASA has covered up also.
And NASA also covered up the fact of the cavern that leads to the alien base where they are watching us.
After all, they did put the moon there, and set it's rotation exactly for just that purpose.
This also means, that a year or so ago, in order to keep the cover-up going, we had to produce nano filament dust particles that would carry a static charge to act like the fake moon dust we said was there, that clings to everything.
Lets see, oh yeah.
You all have however proven one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt to me. The Lizard race is here. They are real without a doubt, at least in the mentality department. They even learned to type and read apparently. But still have the brains of a smegging lizard and are spouting idiocy right and left. Lizard conspiracy over. We have found the lizard brains. They made a video.
(I feel horrible insulting the poor little innocent lizards of earth, so sorry to all herpetologists out there, or all simple lovers of reptiles).
Bloody smegging freaking fecking..... aaaarrrggghhhhhhh.
And people wonder why I avoid them like a passion on most levels of society. To use a term of one of my favorites of all time.
Blithering Blatherskites. (Thank you Dr. Zachery Smith).
And even that is too good for them. So is smeghead as well far far far far to good for these Sanctimonious Scatterbrains.
I'll be honest, I didn't watch the video. I already spent enough of my time listening to these idiots in the past.
I love a good conspiracy, better than most actually. But blatant silliness and ignorance does not a conspiracy make.
So, as for my final words to these people.
Now multiply that by 100,000,000.

Beam Me Up said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww Kall, I was prepared to have some fun here and you blow the whole think out of the water using their own inconsistencies!!!!!

My number one argument is so simple, just point a laser at any one of the flights (early ones) that left VERY precise reflectors so that we could plot the distance to the moon. And how is it that we can see rover tracks from moon orbit huh?...I could go on but it is moot now...sigh

kallamis said...

Yeah i left that out for one reason. We don't have a laser powerful enough. Well, not to do it properly of course.
As in powerful enough to burn a hole through something on it's return, and then line them up.
And sorry about ruining your fun.
But really, these people are fecking nuts.
I admit our government wastes money right and left, and even on propaganda it wasted a whole lot during the real cold war.
But there were a lot simpler ways to screw with the Russians, and the rest of the world without faking a moon landing, that has been proven time and again that we did.
I mean, okay. It was possible that we could have done it, but I watched the fecking thing on TV. And it has been proven, (can you believe we actually had to prove we did it), time and again.
Even myth busters proved it, and universe help us, even Jessie Ventura laughs at this one, and the lizard people taking human form and ruling the world behind the scenes.
Hell, for that matter, they even did the reflector thing on Big Bang Theory.
Wasn't it Buzz that promptly punched that guy in the face when he said to his face that it was faked?

Beam Me Up said...

Yep he did and the fool tried to do the assault thing and it was thrown out barely after he got through the door is my memory. Can you imagine it! What could have motivated the whako to even do that? Did he think that he was telling Aldrin some special secret? Or that he might have "inside information?" what? How G.D. delusional do you have to be to think you have more information about the "truth" than someone who has participated?!

kallamis said...

Yeah, no kidding. And think about that a second.
Now lets say it was a hoax, all of it, the entire bloody thing was faked.
In what universe do they think that the major participants are suddenly going to come out and admit it on such a massive massive and beyond coverup.
Not only was it a stupid statement, but it was stupid even if it had been faked.
Sometimes, you just have to wonder where their brains are, because they certainly aren't even sitting on them.
I'd say we need a common sense test for any so called journalist, but then we wouldn't have any.
I miss Walter Cronkite. At least there we had integrity, smarts, and someone that verified facts, didn't just spout off idiocy for the sake of ratings or fame.

Beam Me Up said...

When it comes to this kind of idiocy they so totally disregard scale. Some one had to run this scam on the thousands of NASA workers and upper level management and the thousands of cottage industry manufacturers (they seem to conveniently forget that many of the items that needed to be made to keep a man alive in space had to be done by then small home business'....as NASA grew so did they....so why scam these people? To the point of rejecting suits, tanks, pumps, motors you name it...Even
Capricon one was not that convoluted!)Excuse me...but it buggers the imagination!

Beam Me Up said...

When it comes to this kind of idiocy they so totally disregard scale. Some one had to run this scam on the thousands of NASA workers and upper level management and the thousands of cottage industry manufacturers (they seem to conveniently forget that many of the items that needed to be made to keep a man alive in space had to be done by then small home business'....as NASA grew so did they....so why scam these people? To the point of rejecting suits, tanks, pumps, motors you name it...Even
Capricon one was not that convoluted!)Excuse me...but it buggers the imagination!

kallamis said...

Yeah, no kidding. I could come up with some whacked out theory on how they could have, but I seriously doubt I could ever defend it with any sense or seriousness at all.
There were just too many people and companies involved in the entire process.
Not to mention the biggest and most notable problem of all. Kennedy said we were going to go, years before we did.
This wasn't something that was done on a secret black budget operation. This was done in front of the entire freaking world.
We made apoint of everyone seeing us do it. It was basically this.
"Hey, we're America, watch this shit we're going to pull world."
I mean, did they brain wash, or gas and cause a worldwide hallucination. Not even the mythological movie versions of the KGB and CIA together could have pulled that off.
And yeah, I've already seen some of the comments online about mars. How we have never been there because it would be impossible to reach a planet that far away. How we wouldn't be able to navigate space that far. etc etc etc.
We could put a station there right now, send 10,000 people there, half of them from Hollywood and make a movie, and these people would be saying NASA faked all of that as well.
I have a suspicion that some of these are the same anti-tech people we've all seen before.
I mean, what else could it be. They just can't all be that bloody stupid. Can they?
And there is a huge anti-NASA craze out there. How they are a waste of money, and have never contributed anything to society. I try to keep my mouth shut, but there are times when the hands ready themselves, the feet find their position, and the mouth opens wide and loud.
I wish I could win a 480 billion dollar lottery. I'd go buy a big freaking ranch somewhere, put in a huge underground shelter and research lab,(hee hee hee) and move every person left with common sense there with me.
So lets count them up here shall we. Umm, that leaves the people of this site, those at NASA that want to come, and maybe 100 others by my count of online idiocy lately.
That's why I spend so much time here. Even if we disagree, we are all still on the same side. Find the answers. And if we're wrong, good. It means we learned what wasn't right. Works for me anyway.
Yeah, I know. I went off on a tangent again. But people are really getting to me again lately.

kallamis said...

480 million, not billion. 480 billion and screw the ranch. I'd have my own freaking space station then.

Beam Me Up said...

can I join up for party geek to? But you see what I man, just the scale of the conspiracy makes it impossible. But you know, the government fanned those fires because I know for a FACT that there was a conspiracy but way off that mark. A lot of spy work was behind all three missions. There is a reason they used a Redstone on some of the first launches...I say this (No I will Not say who told me this or even where they worked..don't ask)there were some BIG ASS cameras floating overhead in the 60s on out. To describe them as big as a city bus is not stretching it to far. But the CIA was having a bitch of a time getting them up there...Guess where some of the restone launches were made from...yep...I have talked to one of the guys who worked on the optics and I forgot his name real quick too, lol ahh who am I kidding I am so addled by all the anesthesia and pain meds its a wonder I can still speak!@ lol. Even to this day he can't tell you much about what went on. What got him started is I was talking about the race to the moon series that was on a couple years back and didnt he get animated...You dont know the half of it was his main tirade.

So yeah, there is a bit of wagging the dog going on, I know that, but to fake the whole thing? nope, they used most of it as a way to keep our eyes off the ball. This guy may have been a crazy old koot, but he knew some weird crap...weird...