During the 60s I was wildly interested in the space program. I never quite "got" Sputnik, but by the time Mercury / Redstone flew, I was up and running. I lived for Apollo right to the end. So when the movie Capricorn 1 came out I really felt betrayed by the movies. You know... How could they get it all so wrong? This is so stupid! That kind of thing. I just could not fathom the entertainment value is something I perceived as mean spirited. So when I see that director John Moore and writer Peter Buchman are seriously thinking that it's time for a remake, I am again well, floored! I couldn't think of a worse timed movie remake either. NASA is basically on a role, oh and I am not so naive to think that NASA can not rise above bad movies, but if I were a serious producer I would want to jump on the bandwagon with with something upbeat...I don't know. Oh but I do know, right off the bat, this won't be one of the movies on my list, whenever it comes out! lol
Read IO9's take on the redux
Read IO9's take on the redux
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