Stop smirking and no I am not talking about hotdogs...no my friends...something with an extra dose of soylent green style creepy sci-fi. Tissue Engineered meat may soon be on your dinner plate! How soon....possibly withing five years if these guys have their way. As this article puts it, your next burger burger will have been grown from a tiny sample of cells in a plant-and-mushroom bath.
At a meeting in Norway of the In Vitro Meat Consortium, scientists and entrepreneurs gathered to discuss the future of "cultured meat," or meat that's essentially grown like cultures in a lab. Mostly the barriers to market entry in a few years will be the meat industry itself which may attempt to scare consumers away from the stuff or pull strings in government block the synthetic flesh via regulations. For the record, cultured meat tastes just like regular meat — it's tissue-engineered muscle, made of exactly the same biological ingredients as meat from dead animals. It can also be a lot less fatty. Texture is one of the remaining issues, which is why proponents of cultured meat suggest it will first come to market as chicken nuggets and ground meat.
{via IO9}
At a meeting in Norway of the In Vitro Meat Consortium, scientists and entrepreneurs gathered to discuss the future of "cultured meat," or meat that's essentially grown like cultures in a lab. Mostly the barriers to market entry in a few years will be the meat industry itself which may attempt to scare consumers away from the stuff or pull strings in government block the synthetic flesh via regulations. For the record, cultured meat tastes just like regular meat — it's tissue-engineered muscle, made of exactly the same biological ingredients as meat from dead animals. It can also be a lot less fatty. Texture is one of the remaining issues, which is why proponents of cultured meat suggest it will first come to market as chicken nuggets and ground meat.
{via IO9}
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