Friday, April 04, 2008

Bruce Willis does Surrogates

Have you ever read "Kiln People" by David Brin? Oh, if you haven't you want to tag a copy of this one, I can not make a strong enough recommendation. In the book, robotics and cloning come together in a device that allows you to "copy" yourself and send these copies out to do work for you. These copies have short lifespans but that is no matter, at the end of the day your copy returns and downloads everything back to you so in effect you were there and have the memories to prove it. Each copy is you to one degree or another an exact copy with all the feelings and memory of the "original" except at the end of a set time (depending on the model) the copy disintegrates. So why am I rambling? Well it seems Bruce Willis' newest gig is Surrogates which is eerily similar. Surrogates takes place in 2054, when humans live in isolation and interact using idealized robot versions of themselves (which they control with their minds.) Willis plays a cop. In the upcoming movie of the same name, Willis' police officer has his robot avatar destroyed, and has to go out and interact with the world as a regular human for the first time in a long time. He becomes the only "real" human out in a world of robot avatars. Now he needs to stop a techno-terrorist bent on returning society to a time when people lived their lives instead of merely experiencing them. From what I can gleen, the movie is already in production as of February, but I have yet to dig up a release date.....

If your interested in checking out Kiln People click the link below


Anonymous said...

Bruce Willis playing a cop! That's a new twist :-)

But, the premise does sound quite interesting, and eerily relevant.

Anonymous said...

lol you got me laughing on that one. Robot Chicken used to do a skit slamming M. Night Shyamalans movie twists and its very funny, but your first reaction? Bruce Willis plays a cop....oh hey theres a stretch. I can remember stories like this though....people never going public type of thing. Also the use of avatars or their like such as Kiln People...very intriguing