Friday, March 02, 2012

And Another Darwin Award Hopeful

Atlanta GA. A man was arrested after attempting to rob a local bank. The suspect exited the bank after failing to obtain any funds. The suspect re-entered the bank when he discovered that he didn't have enough money to cover the fee of the taxi he hired to take him to and from the robbery. Meanwhile, the cabbie, fearing the suspect may attempt to skip on the fair, used her cab to block in the suspect's vehicle, and drew the attention of the local police.

The really strange part of this tale is why the suspect re-entered the bank. Well it seems that the officer contacted by the cabbie, knew nothing of the previous bank robbery and convinced the suspect into going back to the bank for cab fare. Of course he was promptly arrested by other officers who had been call earlier concerning the robbery.


kallamis said...

Confusing on massive permanent scale I guess. This is so far beyond understanding, with any kind of thought, that I don't even know where to begin. So I guess three words cover this guy like the last ones.

Anonymous said...

Definitely amusing, but the Darwin Award is for those who remove themselves from the gene pool thru such idiocy. He was only arrested and not shot, so is still in the gene pool. This is a case for another award (don't remember the name).

Beam Me Up said...

You just KNOW they will not be able to resist! It is so beyond dumb! The comics would have a field day with this brain trust....

Beam Me Up said...

I know Anon, that is why we are calling them Darwin possibles. If you read my previous article you will see that acts idiot worthy of a Darwin, but by some miracle of chance they managed to escape the number one criteria for acceptance, that of dying in the act. But one can hope that if they persist!