Monday, February 03, 2014

Captain America 2 Trailer

Here is the newest Captain America 2 trailer. Movie due out in April!


btonym said...

This trailer blew my socks off! Can't wait for the movie. I'm a big fan of S.H.E.I.D. (the TV show) and I like the way this ties into the whole Marvel Avengers Saga.

Beam Me Up said...

I am right there with you bto....
When I saw it come up on you tube I just HAD to post it. You know that the movie is going to rock when the trailer alone has more action than the average action movie. I know people are going to bitch about the uniform, but man it SO works here, not that SUPES didn't, it just seems like the rework here is total fan service...I'll take it! Can't wait.

kallamis said...

Yeah, this is going to be good. And you notice I am not complaining about the suits. Not even the fact that Falcon's isn't correct, but hey, he isn't running around the streets here.They are soldiers basically working for shield. So no complaints about the uniforms from me. Supes however, well, I'll just shut up on that one. As you've noticed, I really haven't said a word about that movie. I'm just glad to see Falcon showing up. I always liked him.

Beam Me Up said...

Kall, you are the very epitome of restraint...