Thursday, July 07, 2011

What Became of the Flags Placed on the Moon by Apollo

Xnewsman sends in this "I wonder" article from CBS News that asks the simple question - what was the fate of the six American flags left on the moon's surface by the six missions to land there. The answer is a bit more complex than one might think and the answer may not be what you think. Check out the CBS News video


Rosehippi said...

I do not understand why the Space Program is coming to an end! It seems insane to me to do so.
We are not the only ones in the universe, we need to keep going forward with research and exploration, just to keep up with all the joneses cruising the neighborhood (so to speak)
considering the leaders of today, idiocy seems to be the order of the day...

Beam Me Up said...

There will be those that with a straight face will tell you that far from ending we are merely entering a new phase of exploration. We all know the best lie is the truth. We are likely to see some great science come out of the robotic probes in service now and in the future. And of course man will continue to journey into space. Russia will continue ferrying people into low Earth orbit and China, ESA, India and Japan will soon have the capabilities to put a human in orbit and soon onto the planets. And at the bottom of that pile is the USA with it's thumb out. Space exploration took a major downturn in the early 90s. Lack of support for Star Wars had to have been a factor that and the military taking a larger portion of a shrinking pie, the thing that takes the hit the hardest is forward thinking. You hear detractors spout the cost of each launch of the shuttle, but I dare them to compare that to the cost of say jp5 in a year...Shuttle don't seem quite so expensive now...

Hey we all believed the promises and we got no only idiocy by an obvious lack of vision. The really sad part is that it is not the end but a start of a slide into mediocrity.