From an article in IO9 I read where the still very popular Science fiction series Firefly will once again grace the "small" screen.
The Science channel has purchased the rights to the series and will begin showing episodes March 6th at 8pm. The episodes then will be shown in proper sequence that was intended, each Sunday there after. The Science Channel is adding HD to the mix to spice things up a bit.
The Science channel has purchased the rights to the series and will begin showing episodes March 6th at 8pm. The episodes then will be shown in proper sequence that was intended, each Sunday there after. The Science Channel is adding HD to the mix to spice things up a bit.
Cool! Though, of course, I wish it were new episodes or even a book series.
Thanks for the note Dave
When I first saw the article there was a cartoon character of Mal as the graphic. I thought....animated? I could give it a go. But then it turned out to be just a rebroadcast of the original series and felt let down. I would LOVE to see a continuation of the milieu and even Fallon said he would go for it! But...something is better than nothing.
I saw the same graphic on IO9, and had the same thought. Re-launching a new "Firefly" series, even as a cartoon, would be exciting. But re-broadcasting all the old episodes that are on DVD anyway ... not so much.
Yeah Josh...exactly... I was trying to feel the same level of excitement as the original author and just couldn't bring it. Guess I am not Brown Coat enough.
Not so much covers it nicely.
Thanks for the comment.
Rebroadcasting in high def is a great idea high def is so entertaining I watch stuff I don't even like because the picture is so interesting to watch!!Firefly was a very entertaining series. Cartoon of the series would be great if I was 9 again!
yep, hi def has its draw and I will watch for just that.
there is a difference between cartoon and animation though. Your right, a cartoon because of its simplicity is aimed right at say a nine year old. But many high end animation projects are geared towards a more (I am tempted to say sophisticated) adult audience. The level of realism in the plots and the more graphic nature of the graphics is often not suitable for that self same "9" year old crowd.
You may want to reread that IO9 post. It is the Science Channel, not SyFy that will be reshowing FireFly.
Right you are Matt....duh on my part!
All fixed Matt, thanks for bringing the error up!
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