Monday, March 31, 2008

TRON lightcycle scene Sweded

OK, late to the party on this one...but my excuse is I really didn't get Sweding. However I have seen this cardboard version of the Tron Lightcycle scene and it is brilliant.

Made popular in Michel Gondry's film Be Kind Rewind, sweding involves amateur filmmakers creating homespun homages to movies. In the film, Jack Black's character accidentally erases a whole rental store's VHS collection and sets out to remake them with a small group of amateur film makers. To ally renter's confusion as to the amateurish nature of each tape, Black comes up with the idea of calling them "Swedish" film remakes.

Now the idea has taken hold as a homage of sorts to redo the film as low budget as possible but as well done as well. Most are extraordinarily funny and then there are those like this sample while holding to the tenants of Sweding are brilliantly well done.

Check it out

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