Shaun Saunders and I must have discovered this at the same time. So, let me pose a question to you. Are you fascinated by the night sky? Do you know the name of a few of the constellations and know where the ecliptic is? Do you have a small telescope, but wish you could afford something really massive? Have I got a sweet deal for you. How about something in the 14 inch range, robotic control that will output pictures to you, so you never have to spend another freezing night bent over an eye piece? Oh and its free. Whats the catch? Well you have to share. What we came across was several telescopes that are remotely controlled and are accessed by the internet. You point them, take pictures and then download your output. And we are not talking about toys here people. No, these are the real deal, upwards of 14 inches of raw telescopic enjoyment. Here is the WIRED page that describes the installations and where to log on to get started. In most cases your allowed to use these machines for free, in some cases, your asked for a donation for the pictures you take.
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