SyFy Portal reports that the SciFi Channel has summarily canceled Flash Gordon. What kinda blows my mind is that Mike seemed to be troubled by the manner in which we had to find out. I guess "fans" got wind of the cancellation by a side comment made by one of the SciFi channels exes to that effect. You know, I have to say that anyone that is suprised by how the SciFi channel does business these days is a bit deluded. I have come to the conclusion that the SciFi Channel for some obsure reason is afraid to excell. That is the only explaination that fits with scheduling that would require us to watch wraslin and Flash Gordon....and now no more Flash.... I had hopes when they upped Anime to two nights....you see how long that lasted. I would hang my head if I were the flagship of telivised science fiction and I was eclipsed by Saturday night on the Cartoon Network. Get a Clue Sci Fi!
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