I love this kind of stuff! Wired's Danger Room online page delves once again into how to take down a Terminator. Going through classes of armor, and weapons choices both indoor and outdoor, to get the most effective damage results. What makes this exercise fun is they tie it into the Terminator movies for hints on what will and what will not work against what director Cameron calls "chrome plated death". As Wired puts it: Generally speaking, Terminators appear to be able to shrug off small-arms fire. However, as a military technology enthusiast, you have to ask exactly how good their protection is. They have done their research, you can say that. The classes of armor even have hotlinks to detailed ballistics and the types of armor that will stop them. Also is a discussion on metal armor (which director Cameron went for for asthetic reason....lol) vs the real life adoption of unique ceramic composites. Each round and firearm type has links to realworld pages on these weapons, which give you a real insight into the power that some of these modern weapons can develop. Many of which were not even available when the first Terminator appeared. Makes you wonder what influenced what? Click the link for the complete article
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