Friday, April 08, 2011

Close Call on 4/5/2011 Soyuz Launch wtf?

Hey, wanna see a close call that will make you damn glad you are NOT an astronaut? Check out this video of the April 5th 2011 Soyuz Spacecraft launch. I think if I were on-board and knew this was going on around the launch vehicle, I would have wet my space diaper for sure. Now I don't know how authentic the film is. (I first saw it on Daily Galaxy website) and since absolutely no one reacts to what happened, and I don't remember anything like this on the news right? So I am leaning towards hoax. But you watch it and let me know your take.


John said...

Looked like stars or planets in the background... There's probably a good explanation I'm sure.

Dennis O Dorrity said...

I do not know but it looks to me to be stars appearing to move relative to the movement of the Soyuz.

Beam Me Up said...

thats was my first thought, but doesnt there seem to be a lot more sidereal motion? no?

Unknown said...

If you have ever been in the desert, far from anything you can see satellites racing across the sky. Given the altitude of the rocket and magnification of the camera, I'm pretty sure that's what is in the video. There is no way a planet or star would appear that big for the large object but a satellite would given how high up they were.

Beam Me Up said...

yeah, I have watched the iss and I want to tell you that thing moves and these things moved faster which meant at least to me they were LOTS closer. Whats more the ship was at orbital insertion angle which meant that it transited the screen from lower left to upper right. If this was sidereal motion caused by camera tracking it would be the reverse angle right? Well if you watch the video that is NOT the case. Weird motion, very close in. I am calling space junk NC someone want to call me on this?