Shaun Saunders sends in an article from Science Daily that answers a question that has troubled astronomers for some time. For the past 2 years sunspots have been been a very rare event. The lack was at first difficult to lock down. Sunspot activity goes through an 11 year cycle and therefor the sun was already at a low activity point. But the decrease in activity was so deep and lasting for so long that there was speculation that the solar minimum might be entering a century long phase with virtually no activity that hasn't happened since the 17th century.
According to the article:
Read the complete Science Digest article
Update: Tim sends in an update from Yahooo News.
It seems after a protracted absence of sun-spot activity, there has been a resurgence in the past week (July 2009) this after one of the longest period of no activity in modern history. Prior to this low point - scientist were looking for the next peak of activity in 2013 to be one of the most energetic, however after this quite period the next peak of solar flare activity is estimated to be very modest. This may turn out to be very good news indeed. Had the next high point been as bad as was being predicted, it is estimated that there could have been upwards of $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth, by damaging satellites in orbit and sensitive electronic equipment on the ground.
read the yahoo article here
According to the article:
- researchers announced that a jet stream deep inside the sun is migrating slower than usual through the star's interior, giving rise to the current lack of sunspots.
Read the complete Science Digest article
Update: Tim sends in an update from Yahooo News.
It seems after a protracted absence of sun-spot activity, there has been a resurgence in the past week (July 2009) this after one of the longest period of no activity in modern history. Prior to this low point - scientist were looking for the next peak of activity in 2013 to be one of the most energetic, however after this quite period the next peak of solar flare activity is estimated to be very modest. This may turn out to be very good news indeed. Had the next high point been as bad as was being predicted, it is estimated that there could have been upwards of $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth, by damaging satellites in orbit and sensitive electronic equipment on the ground.
read the yahoo article here
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