Monday, June 14, 2010

Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man

Here we have Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man
Now I know....not strictly speaking science fiction....but then, all the elements are there. Yeah, maybe the overall story is a fantasy tale, but let's let this little piece of brilliance be judged on it's own merits. It is exceedingly well done and is a quiet sad tale that is guaranteed to touch your heart. My hat is off to director Brandon McCormick. I found this rather indirectly on where there is a great selection of just about anything you can imagine. Enjoy

Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man from Brandon McCormick on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this; what a fabulous re-creation and embellishment of Baum's timeless classic! loved it.

Beam Me Up said...

You are very welcome Anon, I suggest you take a look at the making of film for Heartless. In the original text, there is a back story very much like this movie. Which makes the Wizard of OZ even more poignant -