Thursday, March 18, 2010

WARREN LICH Concept Trailer

Wow have you seen this concept trailer yet? It is a concept trailer for a movie called Warren Lich. The trailer's text says it was made to demonstrate the visual style for the movie and it sure does that in no uncertain terms! It was assembled by Shaun Rana for the amazing amount of 1000eur or $1300! Why is amazing? Well you just have to watch and listen. It really is 4 amazing minutes!


Dorn said...

Wicked, I'm in. But I have to say there is a "feel and look" that alternate reality movies seem to gravitate toward. 1984, Brazil, Sin City, The Spirit, The Watchmen, The Mutant Chronicles. They seem to be losing some mass appeal because they all just seem to replicate one another's ideas.

Beam Me Up said...

You're right, Brazil and Sin City dead on. I was leaning more towards a Bladerunner feel, but as dark as that was it really didn't capture the essence that Lich. Yep, Sin City is a much stronger call for sure

Anonymous said...

Steampunk returns! Where do I get my own set of goggles?

Beam Me Up said...

anon, yeah! I have seen some really sweet diy instructions on make.