Saturday, November 24, 2007

Odd things in the sky! photos from Dave

These are some of the devices that Dave mentioned in this weeks show (#80) Very odd looking well.....satellites? They are not aircraft but are they satellites? If you haven't listened to this week's interview with Dave, take a listen....I haven't got a clue what these things are.


Anonymous said...


Would you mind posting the basic details here so that we can learn more and have some discussion?

Anonymous said...

Of the three satellites I see in Gulf Breeze I was told that they were classified and the only three. I suspect the mission is classified but there are many more than three. A listener to the show in the UK emailed me last night to say he had confirmed three satellites as described in his area. If the satellites are used for communication using laser frequencies, perhaps that explains the colors we see. If you are into the lectures of Sheldan Nidle then you may believe that aliens are showing their "power" by displaying these lights for all to see in the face of our protesting governments. If these satellites are forming a mesh around the planet, for what purpose? These may be seen when the star field is not visible, what altitude are they at? Why aren't pilots, navigators, astronomers talking about these satellites? We see them in the triad formation over a location, but they are also clearly visible at times taking up the position of known stars. I have also seen many triads in the sky in Gulf Breeze. One night the triangles formed into a long slow spiral with the largest triad above and smaller triads in descending order pointed towards outer space. The large triad fired a beam from its center and was carried by each of the triad centers as it flashed towards outer space. We have had people at the house viewing a triad in the sky and they swear the center between the three lights is black and covers the stars above it. If the points in the triangle are the outline of a ship, the dimensions are on a scale we would find staggering. What is the reason behind the combination three? Dave

Anonymous said...

Here are some topics we have studied:
Unseen energy beams

Nano technolgy

Risk assessment

Computer ills

Morgellons disease

Strange lights

Unknown equipment operating near planet

Medical privacy rights

Medical professionals response

Viewing equipment operating above the planet as seen from our satellites looking down at them and the earth

Particles in the air not visible to the eye

Using Infrared detection

Using low light amplification

Digital photography techniques for enhancement of unidentified objects

Silver spheres in the air

Mind control

Orbs, not always reflected light from dust particles

CIA attempts contact

Celltowers? and real celltowers

Energy in the ground and air of an unknown type

RF peak nodes

Tracking dust

Satellite tracking

Remote sensing


Bending walls and windows at a military installation

Dislocation from friends and family

Weather modification

Tesla energy


Artwork derived from our investigations at

Using microwave energy

Silver solutions

Treating skin injuries


Contacting local, federal, and United Nation authorities

Warnings to desist

Attempted murder

Our pet cat killed by her food

Ground water levels

Plant specie destruction


Laser use in the atmosphere

Atmospheric waveguide



Air samples

Charge Coupled Devices

Microscope photos


Crystalline materials

Massive groundwave energy

Space photos of the unexplainable

Hubble telescope lies

Communicating awareness


Defense methods for the home

The news media

Global warming

Aerial spraying

Bird Flu

Polynesian settlement in Florida

It is a long list, started out with just lights in the sky, each plays a part in someone's plan for the masses. With over a year of work day and night by my partner and I, we conclude the people of this planet are in for a reduction in population by perhaps 80% or more. We estimated the time frame at 3 to 5 years, with recent events, we have moved that estimate considerably closer. Does that help with the basics? Dave

Dave Tackett said...

First kudos for being able to photograph satellites at all, with my Dobsonian I'm lucky to even see one for a second.

It seems very likely that you are seeing the NOSS Triads you mentioned in the podcast. It wasn't too hard to find out about them with the name. Spaceflight Now notes
"Most commonly known as the Naval Ocean Surveillance System, these clusters of spacecraft, which launched together in one package only to split apart in orbit, are used to spy on ships at sea by picking up radar and radio transmissions. They fly in formation like a triangle to accurately pinpoint locations of enemy vessels." (

They are technically classified BUT they have a Wikipedia page ( and are tracked by Heavens Above and other programs and are mentioned occasionally in the group

Good observing, I had never heard of these until this post and latest Beam Me Up podcast, I'm going to look for them next time I'm out but the seeing is very bad in this area (near St. Louis)

Anonymous said...

The NOSS TRIAD is a moving triangle across the sky. These lights are stationary and do not move except as the stars do in relationship to the earth. If they are for surveilance, why all the colors and changes in intensity? Why are there so many of them? There are reports they are seen in the UK.