Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Virtual Eve: first in human computer interaction

Shaun Saunders sends in this piece from with the comment

Meet the software behind the Infopanels of mallcity 14!!!!!!!!!!

The near-human performance of a virtual teacher called Eve created by Massey researchers has drawn the attention of scientists across the computing world. Eve is what is known in the information sciences as an intelligent or affective tutoring system that can adapt its response to the emotional state of people by interaction through a computer system. he ability of virtual Eve to alter her presentation according to the reaction of the child facing her at the keyboard has been hailed as an exciting development. Although Eve was developed for one-to-one maths teaching with eight-year-olds, she is a significant new character in the future of human computer interaction and could be a personalised virtual tutor by any name.

(of course Shaun would say that it will make intelligent billboard or his "infopanels" that closer to reality. Yep, dead on Shaun!)

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