Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Film Short - Gravity: Behind the Frame

I haven't seen the film yet, but with so many shorts like this one, I know it will be awe inspiring. So if you have or haven't seen the movie Gravity, know that it won seven Academy award and as you can tell even from this short that the film is a feast for the senses.


btonym said...

I just saw the movie this morning. I was sorely impressed with the FX! I have one problem... The ISS was destroyed. Boo! Granted, space junk can be a menace, but that was over the top. Anyhow, Sandra Bullock's was as good as action-adventure gets!

kallamis said...

Haven't seen this yet, but I've heard the science is way off in it. Not a problem for me, so long as it isn't anything major. Open fingers being used with an exo-skeleton and bending metal in your hand with bare fingers is getting to be a bit much these days.
So just to prepare me for when I get to this when it appears on Amazon for rent, how badly off is the science really?

Beam Me Up said...

This may have to be one of the few Blu-ray that I buy in a year.Apollo 13 effects were done so we, but due to constraints, the sets could only be so big... Gravity ....all bets are off

btonym said...

Like I said, the special effects were killer... but I don't think anyone could actually survive such an ordeal. Anyhow, it was good, fun to watch movie. The key word in science fiction is FICTION. Which has a funny way of becoming fact.

kallamis said...

Oh I know that man, and all for it of course. But sometimes they make really really stupid blatant mistakes and that is some of what I am hearing about this. I've basically been wondering if it is just the people that cant accept a science fact wrong in fiction or a bad theory, or if it as bad as like I mentioned. Doing impossible things with bare hands.
If you think back to the original 6 million dollar man that was on when i was a kid, the first thing I pointed out was that there was no bracing between his bionics which means he would have torn himself apart on a lot of things he did. Some people have said the science was so wrong it was stupid, and then I hear the opposite of course from fans. Basically, fun yeah, no doubt. Just do I need to be prepared for space fantasy, or science fiction. Seriously, Elysiium wasn't sci-fi, it was fantasy. And there is a huge difference between the two, which is why I do not attempt to write sci-fi, but remain in the fantasy fields. And I just woke up, so please excuse the spelling disaster here. I cant find my smegging glasses.

Beam Me Up said...

Boy could we get on a bionic man tangent here. Bracing was my first comment on the bionic man. Torn himself apart just running! If it was to work, a complete skeletal replacement for starters...