Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Flash Gordon: From Ludicrous to Almost Good

Mark Wilson over at the Sci-fi fantasy blog on About writes that he feels that Sci-fi channel's Flash Gordon has improved since is totally asinine opener to as he puts it "almost good" and one of the most improved shows. He writes a good article and its well worth checking out.....but Mark....really..... believe me, it isn't the quality of the show that's coming up right now.....

No the crack head cronie crew doing scheduling at sci-fi need a lobotomy after Flash closes for we hope ever. The only reason the show might look almost good is the fact that no matter how horrible something is, humans have to capacity to adjust. Even getting hit in the head with a hammer 5 times, the sixth "ain't so bad". I treat Flash like aversion therapy, after a season of this middle of the road morase, I now have the ability to not run from the room screaming, wait, maybe that is NOT a good thing....

Click here for Mark's article


morjana said...

Flash Boredom is beyond redemption.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, can you imagine?! The defense is...its gone from totally sucking to just not sucking quite so much. The fact still remains that the show is a brain dead remake of an awful remake, right down to copying the music. And yeah, if you compare it to wrestlin, well yeah its much better science fiction than two guys in spandex....