I want to thank Shaun Saunders for reminding me of this compilation of classic magazine covers.
Up until a few years ago I had many of these magazines in my collection which grew beyond my ability to house it properly. Sadly I no longer haver them in my possession, but this article brings back many fond memories of reading far into the night with one of these at hand. Thanks Shaun.
Click article title for the link.
Up until a few years ago I had many of these magazines in my collection which grew beyond my ability to house it properly. Sadly I no longer haver them in my possession, but this article brings back many fond memories of reading far into the night with one of these at hand. Thanks Shaun.
Click article title for the link.
What a pleasure to browse through these covers! I actually own quite a few of these magazines and don't look at them often enough. Come to think of it, I don't smell them often enough either (if you're a collector, you'll know what I mean).
Colin, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Shaun reminds me of the old digests and now I remember just sitting in my old library, you could almost feel them living.
Paul...I shudder reading that you don't have the mags anymore...as you know, I bought an old collection last year, dating back to 1937. Myriad futures, some wonderful, some scary, most thrilling in some way, just waiting for the turn of a page...
Oh I know Shaun, however it was a matter of space and as the years past, more of the collection was becoming damaged. Under any other conditions, I would have maintained the lot (I had a solid OMNI, ASFM, ASFAM, ODSSEY plus many first editions) It pained me to see it go, but it made me sick to see it moldering away too...lesser of two evils
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