Friday, June 22, 2007

The Pioneer anomaly

Here is something I didn't know....hell didn't even suspect!
Launched in the early 1970s, NASA's Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft are drifting out of the solar system in opposite directions, gradually slowing down as the Sun's gravity pulls back on them.

Ok, that is clear enough. Though to be honest, I was under the impression that they were safely on a track and trajectory that would eject them from the Solar System and onward to the great beyond! Common sense now tells me that ummm duh gravity will slow them down some. Well that being said, the spacecraft are indeed slowing down, but the really spooky thing is that they are not slowing down as expected, or for that matter traveling in exactly the direction that was plotted. Something is causing the Pioneer space probes, both of them, to slow in odd and unexpected ways. Very strange. Click the article title for more or

click here for more

Thanks to Shaun Saunders for disrupting my day!

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