Friday, October 27, 2006

Jericho episode six

Wow can Jericho go any slower? There are proving to be fewer surprises than a crackerjack box. The government tax lady seems all to willing to dispose of law and order to further her agenda. Other than that we have horse rustlers, hooligans, robbers, crops going bad, drinking and fighting and shotguns ablazin and so on…. We are finally privy to Hawkins being an absent father for four years, which is suspiciously the same time that Jake was gone…..hummm. We do find out more of what happened to make Jake leave town four years ago. The two mystery wildcards are still in play as they concern Jake and Hawkins, but it’s turning out to be a thin thread to hold the seams of Jericho together. Calling this a so so episode is being kind. Jericho is turning into a thinly disguised cowboy western.

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