Heroes Episode Six
This should be called the twist episode….Last weeks preview totally mislead me.
Yeah we knew that Niki was in for a rough time this week. We were lead to believe that her boyfriend was some maniac killer out for revenge and he was lurking in her house. Well it turns out that he is a loving partner and father that has been framed. After walking into one more ghastly murder sight, Niki is now of the opinion that she, or more to the point, her alter-ego, is responsible. But after a conversation with herself in the mirror, we find that Niki’s uber-self is far from righteous…. More like the maniacal killer we suspected that her son’s farther of. And here is another twist, seems
Peter finally reaches out and touches present day Hiro with the future Hiro’s message of Save the Cheerleader save the world and it would seem that even Isaac the painter is coming on board after being totally freaked by Peter finishing his painting.
This week’s episode seemed to want to spin more of the story and not so much the super powers of the characters, so much so that some characters were left out entirely. I will say though that Claire burning her hands on the cookie sheet was gratuitous…
For the most part Heroes is still smart and disturbing, however it is close to tripping itself up with its own plot convolutions. But for the most part it is staying true to itself and keeping its characters smart and capable. If the preview of next weeks episode is any indication, we will be treated to more of the same, which is ok by me.
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