Friday, October 26, 2007

Totalitarian tech update

Cyber-utopian Cory Doctorow ponders: Is there a totalitarian urge embedded in our new technologies? Listen to his Leonardo Lecture at Simon Fraser University in Canada. This

"Many of us dreamed that computers, and later the Internet, would lead to an unstoppable burst of freedom. " writes Alex Smith on Ecoshock "Now we see people pushing RFID tracking chips for all our kids, cameras on every street corner, and secret rooms in AT&T to record all our Net activities."/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has been said before:

'Somewhere past tomorrow, where private thoughts are dangerous and prisons don't have bars is...Mallcity 14'

(check this out at Amazon's 'Read great libertarian books page:

Or check any of the Mallcity / Fabcola short stories (some of which are in the archive here at BMU)