At first, when reading MallCity14 you might be lured into thinking that the theme has been done again and again. But your being lured yes, but by a master of misdirection. MallCity14 - the dehumanization of Silberberg's Urban Monads, insidious Big Brother of 1984, the literary horror of Bradbury's 451 plus rampant advertising and consumption. All of this wrapped into a clean, fast-paced first person narrative. Every bit a “brave new world” however spun up with technology and psychology that previous authors could never have imagined. And just when you think you have it all figured out...everything changes.
Is the novel misleading or misdirected? Hardly - Saunders is a master of the literary subliminal image. What will give this novel wider appeal is the protagonist. A time weary traveler? A virginal barbarian? Hardly – no, the story is told mostly from the eyes of a teenage boy. But with the masterful mix of adult subplot we are treated to story telling that will appeal to adults as well as young adults.
I have seen copies available on Amazon
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