You know I just could not stay away from this one! I really thought it was a joke when I saw the first link on Boing Boing. Especially when it liked out to an article named:
- An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of Shit:
Stranger still, it seems to be legit! Links lead to PLOS: Neglected Tropical Diseases and talks about hook worms and other fecal egg counts....HONEST!!! of course it is some of the methodology that set me over the juvenile edge. Stuff like
- 222 samples were collected....not saying a thing....each sample was cut into four pieces. (turd cutter....hows that for a job description...I think I need professional help)
- and of course this line "Some samples were homogenized"
- and the infamous " keeping collected stool samples cool and moist

Not making fun of important research, but I am totally amazed at some of the projects and some of the people who contribute....that might have been a poor choice of words....
award for the best carry over to another message discussion yet! lol! But no, Nolan could not pass the parasites that have been inside of his gut.....
oh wait did I say that out loud?
I tried to edit the spelling on it, and lost the entire thing somehow.
really? I was tired when I typed it but put it through the spell checker to make suggestion. Let me know where you saw the worst of it.
Well it certainly did the job. It got quite some attention on almost no time
somehow I feel empty now.... Anon you have succeeded in dumping the wind from my sail.
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