Mark Wilson over at About SF has some pretty distressing news for SF fans. One of the best shows to come out of SYFy's writing stable has been the quirky Eureka - a secret DOD facility in the guise of a small town, rife with ubber geeks and weird science. Mark reports that SY FY has backed out of any commitment past season 5, effectively ending the show at the end of season 5.
The really aggravating thing however is that this decision was not precipitated by ratings lagging but by the new merger ala wrastlin....
Warehouse 13 was renewed though...but Eureka?!!! come oooooooooonnnnnnnn!
Anyone else out there feeling as betrayed by Sy-Fy's actions as I am? Damn...I really like this show!
The really aggravating thing however is that this decision was not precipitated by ratings lagging but by the new merger ala wrastlin....
Warehouse 13 was renewed though...but Eureka?!!! come oooooooooonnnnnnnn!
Anyone else out there feeling as betrayed by Sy-Fy's actions as I am? Damn...I really like this show!
We've already had this conversation before... Honestly, they mine as well just change it from Sci... Errrr SyFy to AsSor... "The Assorted" channel because I really fail to see (at this point and points in the past) how this channel has much left to do with honest SciFi. Eureka is the only show I tune into SyFy for right now... Although I will return once they bring back Being Human but... I dunno... Why bother if they'll just keeping cutting these shows? O wait... No... I have been giving Alphas a chance... It's not bad... But yeah, other than those two shows that's all I watch on that channel.
Need a new network for only SIFI . Put all the other stuff on regular TV.Whats so SIFI about wrestling?
I hope it isn't true. The show has developed into a decent program. Never seems to fail, a show I enjoy gets cancelled, (example) Firefly. 'nough said.
I sure am. Eureka is one show I look forward to during the Summer and Winter months when the networks are showing too many reality shows like Biggest Loser.
I sure am!. Eureka is one show I look forward to watching during the summer and winter months when there are repeats and reality shows
John I know and I also know it is a sign of insanity to do the exact same thing over and over hoping that it will change. I don't know why I expected common sense or respect for the viewer from the as/sor network.
One of the big draws over the past few years has been Eureka with Warehouse 13 making a good showing and Sanctuary always a welcome respite when it was running. Again it shows a marked indifference to the viewer.
Nothing Charles, abosolutely nothing, and I would go so far to say that ghost hunting and psychics are on the same bill. But SyFy has become the funnel and the views the goose....the programming so much gavage.
Sorry Dave I am afraid I can't do that....
It is painfully true to the point that SyFy went so far as to withdraw the order they had placed for 6 episodes in the first part of the sixth season....They are not even going to be able the clean up the loose ends from the previous seasons!
GS, same here! I have fairly patient, waiting for signs of life from the people of Eureka....but the shutters are going up as we speak... DAMN!
after visually striking and well acted series if SG1,Stargate Atlantis and Universe were replaced with rasselin', i wrote feedback to SYFY channel and have not been back since.
You and me both ANON...oh I have frequented my fav shows, but the letter I wrote must have caused third degree burns...
This just figures. Any programming that approaches descent sci fi gets scrubbed and we get stuck with the likes of WWF. Most of their Saturday night movies outright SUCK. Once in a while they accidently throw in a descent one.
Go back to Sci Fi or just go!
You can't really blame SyFy by itself. There are so many other cable networks, that originally carved a niche into cable programming, that have since succumbed to the onslaught of reality based drivel that has overrun the airwaves. Look at Bravo. They once offered insights to the entertainment industry from the inside; from people in the industry. Where are they now? Nothing but banal reality crap. Most eligible bachelor or millionaire matchmaker. What is this garbage? A&E is another example. They used to show obscure shows that you could not find anywhere else. Now we have guys bidding on the contents of storage sheds. What’s up with that? Look at the Food network. Everything on there for the most part is a competition show or such. There’s not a whole hell of a lot of cooking going on there anymore! I won’t even comment on MTV and VH1, enough said there! There are only three ‘reality’ shows that I still enjoy watching. And they are some of the originals. Survivor, Big Brother and The Amazing Race. To me a reality show is to take a group of people and put them in an unnatural situation and see what happens. Who cares what washed up stars can dance? I hate Karaoke in bars, now we have it primetime!! I seem to remember a quote, I think it was from Star Trek, about television being a form of entertainment that lost popularity in the mid 21st century. I wonder if this will be another thing that they foresaw! But, in the meantime, I’ll sit here and cherish the memories of Star Trek, LEXX, Babylon V, BSG, Farscape, Stargate and all of the other shows that used to make Sci-Fi (yeah, I spelled it that way on purpose) a channel that I looked forward to watching. K, soapbox is back under the bed!! Good night all!!!
What a well thought out argument! Yes, I see television as a whole devolving into a huge morass of sameness grey goop. In every instance I found myself agreeing to your "remember when...." So why did I single out SyFy(crap even the monicker is ridiculous!)? Simply because it, if any, is supposed to be the standard bearer of our genre in the the tv venue at the very least. If we can not count on Sci-fi (and I used to shudder at THAT spelling! who knew?!) then what do we rally to? The blog/podcast is such a young venue that it is a chore to separate the wheat from the chaff. Print is in flux, radio isn't even a legitimate heir, so if we are fans of science / speculative fiction then we should have an outlet or provider.
Granted they are all falling prey to low cost (cant blame them, when they can get weeks of product with only a few thousand dollar outlay...it is a producers wet dream) I tilt at SyFy because it has the temerity to call itself a science fiction network when in truth it is little difference. I like many forms of entertainment, but I will always consider myself a science fiction fan and at one moment in the not to distant past, I could count on a network that would serve up ample supply and continue supporting the programming for a great deal of time... not so now though...
Bill in FL
There used to be great anime Saturday evening, but I don't even bother turning the channel on until 12...then only for Bleach and Durarara. Even anime has deserted Syfy... I took to scanning around other late night channels and found high quality anime in some of the most unlikely of places. One can hope that the children watching will produce a power base that will bring about a true science fiction provider. One can hope...
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