Heroes took a big leap (no pun intended) this week. Nothing gross happens to Claire the indestructible cheerleader. No sir, we went from oh man that’s gross to oh cool! And I want to tell you the CGI used for the flying stunts should make the guys at the Superman franchise go “how dey do dat?” And I mean it. When did you EVER see superman break the sound barrier and do it within say 100 feet of the ground? Well the computer geeks at Heroes must be working overtime. 0 to faster than a speeding bullet straight up with the accompanying vapor halo and sonic boom. Yeeeeeeeee haaaaa. Oh and no candy .a.. 2 point landing…going from supersonic to 0 I want to tell you this guy does some serious skidding when he touches down…You can tell they pretty much blew their CGI budget on that piece because the rest of the hour is pretty low key.. Isaac who sees the future still paints, Claire is still indestructible, Hiro can control time, Nathan flies…oh boy does he fly, Matt is reading mind like crazy…and may be going there too, Niki still doesn’t know that her alter ego seems to be a crack assassin, but the biggest surprise this week outside of Nathan leaving contrails over the Midwestern skies, is his brother Peter. See, Peter thinks he can fly and has…cool…but….when push comes to shove, he finishes Isaac’s painting of the future with the same glazed ghost eyed look and style…so Peter is deficiently the wild card for next week along with Niki. I have a feeling that someone has a serious ass kicking in the very near future served up by Niki’s alter ego. If you haven’t caught this episode yet, Look for a encore on the sci-fi channel or download the episode from NBC.COM. Save the Cheerleader Save the World….
Good for Claire...it'd be tough getting typecast as a mangled corpse...
oh you just dont like the blood and gore...fess up
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