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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Antarctic Microbes Handle Mars-Like Conditions
Heroes Episode 6

Heroes Episode Six
This should be called the twist episode….Last weeks preview totally mislead me.
Yeah we knew that Niki was in for a rough time this week. We were lead to believe that her boyfriend was some maniac killer out for revenge and he was lurking in her house. Well it turns out that he is a loving partner and father that has been framed. After walking into one more ghastly murder sight, Niki is now of the opinion that she, or more to the point, her alter-ego, is responsible. But after a conversation with herself in the mirror, we find that Niki’s uber-self is far from righteous…. More like the maniacal killer we suspected that her son’s farther of. And here is another twist, seems
Peter finally reaches out and touches present day Hiro with the future Hiro’s message of Save the Cheerleader save the world and it would seem that even Isaac the painter is coming on board after being totally freaked by Peter finishing his painting.
This week’s episode seemed to want to spin more of the story and not so much the super powers of the characters, so much so that some characters were left out entirely. I will say though that Claire burning her hands on the cookie sheet was gratuitous…
For the most part Heroes is still smart and disturbing, however it is close to tripping itself up with its own plot convolutions. But for the most part it is staying true to itself and keeping its characters smart and capable. If the preview of next weeks episode is any indication, we will be treated to more of the same, which is ok by me.
Top five Science Fiction Novels in New England
1: Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
2: The Protector’s War - S.M.Sterling
4: Hunters of
5: We Few
Based on sales in October 15 – 21 in the New England Area
NASA approves Hubble repairs

Monday, October 30, 2006
Key out of Time - Andre Norton now at Gutenberg!
Superman Returns sequel & Fantastic Four sequal news!
Vanessa Minnillo is the latest to join Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Julian McMahon, Beau Garrett and Andre Braugher in the sequel to 20th Century Fox's Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer, directed by Tom Story. She'll play the Human Torch's girlfriend., F4x2 is set to premiere June 15, 2007.
Japanese robot suit just about production ready
False color photo of exploding star

Friday, October 27, 2006
Pluto Time Capsule: submit your stuff for space by Nov. 1

Jericho episode six
Wow can
Marvel bringing Moon Knight to TV

SciFi cuts a deal for ten movies
Actor Arthur Hill dies
films of note were
The Andromeda Strain a 1971 science-fiction film, based on the novel published in 1969 by Michael Crichton about a team of scientists who investigate a deadly disease of extraterrestrial origin which causes rapid, fatal clotting of the blood. Hill played Dr. Jeremy Stone
Futureworld a 1976 sequel to the 1973 science fiction film Westworld. It was written by George Schenk and Mayo Simon, and directed by Richard T. Heffron. Arthur played Dr. Duffy
In addition to his film work Mr. Hill appeared in many notable TV science fiction shows such as:
Murder in Space (1985) (TV) .... Vice President
Prototype (1983) (TV) .... Gen. Keating
Tomorrow's Child (1982) (TV) .... Dr. Glenn Gorham
Revenge of the Stepford Wives (1980) (TV) .... Dale 'Diz' Corbett
The Invaders" - The Leeches (1967) TV Episode .... Warren Doneghan
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" - Monster from the Inferno (1966) TV . Lindsay
new Heroes podcast
We plan to do weekly shows after each new episode of Heroes. PodcastHeroes Expect FUN LAUGHS AND SINGING :-) http://podcastheroes.podomatic.com/
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman Go Postal
Wonder Woman: first appearance in 1941.
Superman: The Man of Steel first appeared in 1938
Green Lantern: First appeared in All-American Comics #16 (July 1940).
The Flash: transformed into the fastest man alive in 1956
Aquaman: first appeared in More Fun Comics # 73 (November 1941).
Hawkman: originally first appeared in Flash Comics #1 (1940)
Supergirl: first appeared in Superman #123 (1958)
Green Arrow: First appearing in 1941,
Viking Mission May Have Missed Mars Life
NASA's Viking Mission to Mars put two landers on the red planet in 1976. Their experiments uncovered mysterious chemical activity in the Martian soil but no clear evidence of life. Now scientists suggest that telltale signs of life could have been there all along. They have found low levels of organic compounds in those soils, but can not detect them by the same technologies used by the Viking mission.
Star Trek fans ticked off by Shatner's clothes
- the Starfleet badge is too small
- the collar is too small
- the belt buckle is wrong
Science fiction stories in 6 words or less
We kissed. She melted. Mop please! - James Patrick Kelly
The baby’s blood type? Human, mostly. - Orson Scott Card
To save humankind he died again. - Ben Bova
Easy. Just touch the match to - Ursula K. Le Guin
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Heroes Episode 4

Jane Wyatt RIP

A three-time Emmy Award-winner for her portrayal of the patient, understanding housewife and mother on the classic 1950s family situation comedy, died Friday in her sleep at her Bel-Air home. She was 96.
New Hellboy anamated movie coming to Cartoon Network
After working for decades for
Monday, October 23, 2006
Judas Uncained review
by Peter F. Hamilton
827 pp 2006 Ballantine Book
First off I am going to be honest. I had a difficult time getting through this book.
Don't get me wrong here because I know the first thing your going to think is that the book is crap. Ummmmmm nope.
Judas Unchained is incredibly dense in theme and action. However what I failed to notice was that it was part two of a series started with his previous work called Pandora's Star. I started out with a two page “personae dramatis” That's two pages with characters on both sides. I was introduced to so many people in the first couple hundred pages that with the constant flipping back and forth, I was just never able to get any speed up until I was comfortable that I knew everyone. And I mean everyone. There are aliens hell bent on the destruction of the human race. Yes that's aliens plural. One is overt and there seems to be a covert alien pulling strings from a distance. We have a stonewalling government, double dealing politicians, a rebel faction/alliance/religion, several “humans” that seem to be dealing from the bottom of the deck, several “I think humans are funny” aliens that seem to be hanging around for either amusement or more parasitic leanings...a space navy with full blown space battles, ftl ships and mind you worm holes, absolutely the most astounding realized weapons I have ever read about (I clearly remember thinking...”yeah, that's what I'm talking about!”)he trots out weapons like “quantum busters” and does it with a straight face!..., and for some reason gigantic trains....oh and did I mention everyone seems to be semi immortal?
Oh yes, Hamilton has taken it seems every tried and true science fiction element and produced uberspaceopera. And that is very much what Unchained is, a space opera grown larger. With over 800 pages you would think that it would be ponderous and honestly there are some very slow moments in the book (for example, there are numerous times when another completely different way to travel, much like worm holes but different, are talked about, literally one of the main characters walks home following the “paths” which left me confused....to say the least) but the last few hundred pages build to a fever pitch which if your anything like me, you will not be able to put the book down.
My recommendation? Yeah the book is worth picking up and reading...my suggestion is that you read Pandora's Star first . Hamilton hits the floor running in Judas Unchained and if your not up to speed well it will take you several hundred pages to catch up.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Painkiller Jane coming in 2007
New Story by Shaun Saunders
Well traveled, widely read, Pausinias was sure of man's superiority over beasts and women. He just needed a woman in a temple to confirm it for him.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Our Mushrooms, Our Selves
Bacteria Use Radioactive Uranium To Convert Water Molecules To Useable Energy
Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington and eight collaborating institutions report a self-sustaining community of bacteria that live in rocks 2.8 kilometers below Earth's surface and rely on radioactive uranium to convert water molecules to useable
Friday, October 20, 2006
Top 10 most loved robots...
10 Rosie the Maid Jetsons
9 Cylons 1970 Battlestar Galactia tied for last
8 Twiki Buck Rogers
7 Robot b9 Lost in Space
6 KiTT knight Rider tied with 7
5 K9 Dr who 1960
4 Cylons 2003 BSG tied with 5
3 Tom Servo mystery Science Theater 3000
2 Data Star Trek tng
And the number one most beloved robot in TV?
1 Bender Futurama
Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
This is the second audio adaptation of Down and Out -- the podcaster Mark Forman read the book aloud on his podcast in August 2005.
On his blog Boing Boing, Cory wrote "I love the different adaptations of the book -- it's amazing to hear my words read by so many different people, with so many different choices about how to dramatize it. Often, the reading isn't how I heard it in my own head when I wrote it, which is cool -- it's wild to hear how your own words sound to someone else. "Battlestar Galactica Webisode Dispute
The stakes are huge: viewers streamed "Battlestar" Webisodes 5.5 million times last month, doubling traffic to SciFi.com within two days of the premiere. By comparison, 2.2 million people showed up for the show's third-season opener on Oct. 6.
Paging Dr. Robot
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Nbc's Heros episode 3
This week's show opens in what is turning out to be the trade mark of NBC's Heros...she wakes up on an autopsy table after the medical examiner removes a chunk of wood from her head...oh did I mention that she had already opened her chest? Oh my yes the mysteries continue to unfold however NBC is ladeling on a heavy helping of shock value. Issac continues to paint a future that shows a catastrophic future for New York...and strangest of all a vist from Hiero...from the future.
Past episodes can be viewed online at nbc.com however the site seems to run better under
Explorer than Firefox.
Jericho episode 3
The very last moments of this weeks show, has another enigmatic character, Hawkins, the only one who it seems has a connection to the outside world through his computer, calling up information on Jake, the mayors son...who it would appear was of interest to the government before the "incident" More to the point neither Jake or Hawkins are who they claim they are.
Mysteriously the power comes back on and all the phones ring with the same message coming out of them. Then the tvs show an emergency warning message. All of which leads up to what appears to be missiles being launched by the
The slow pace of the plot may be a bit aggravating but it would seem that there is still no end in site as the onion that is
Confront nanotech health risks now, experts say
nanotechnology is the science of working with materials at the nanoscale. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. A human hair is about 80,000 nanometers wide.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Most likely, no ice on the Moon
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Human species 'may split in two'
Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge.
The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative , the "underclass" humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.
men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises. Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features.
The logical outcome would be two sub-species, "gracile" and "robust" humans similar to the Eloi and Morlocks foretold by HG Wells in his 1895 novel The Time Machine.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Saturn's new rings spark search for moons
In mid-September, Cassini moved into Saturn's shadow and viewed the rings, backlit by the sun. As we reported, the researchers identified a new ring that shares its orbit with the moons Janus and Epimetheus, just inside the E and G rings.
NASA to test space airbags
In theory, the airbag would be inflated with pressurised gas just before re-entry. The design relies on the airbag allowing some of its gas to escape, providing a buffer between the atmosphere and the airbag material. As the craft plunges through the atmosphere, the escaping gas would be heated up and carry the heat away from the shield.
NASA approves construction of new infrared space telescope
WISE will spend seven months collecting data.
Such extensive sky coverage means the mission will find and catalogue all sorts of celestial eccentrics. These may include brown dwarfs, or failed stars, that are closer to Earth than Proxima Centauri, the nearest star other than our sun. Brown dwarfs are balls of gas that begin life like stars but lack the mass to ignite their internal fires and light up like normal stars. They do, however, produce warm infrared glows that Wise will be able to see.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Sets first rocket launch date
An Air Force satellite, one of several small tactical satellites under development by the military, is scheduled for a Dec. 11 launch. It will be the first from the spaceport's 113-foot-tall rocket launcher -- known as launch pad O-B -- since it was built in 1998.
Spys that flies and are flies...well close
British military scientists are developing robot flies that can be sent in swarms to spy out enemy positions.
The idea sounds like nightmarish science fiction, but project leader Dr Rafal Zbikowski believes the first machine insects could be buzzing around his lab within seven to 10 years.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Jericho gets a full season from CBS
Stargate SG-1 Movies To Follow TV Series
SciFi Wire is reporting that while the 10th Season of Stargate SG-1 is going to be the last, there will be at least two movies produced to wrap up any loose ends.
Currently the plan is for the first movie to tie up lose ends from the series finale and it's being seen as the "climax of the Ori storyline". The second movie will apparently involve time travel in some fashion.
Right now there are no deals signed with any of SG-1's stars, but apparently several of the actors are eager to continue in their roles.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Bionic Woman Series
Eick has teamed with writer Laeta Kalogridis (Birds of Prey) to work on what he describes as a completely reconceptualized Bionic Woman. The new series will explore amongst other things nanontechnlogy and also the role of professional women in contemporary society.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Ursula K. Le Guin to be honored
Blade - cut
Will Battlestar Galactica make a jump to NBC?
Monday, October 09, 2006
How Teleportation Will Work
If reading some of the more recent articles concerning the research being conducted on tele-portation has you more confused than enlightened, you very well might want to read this very well written article that breaks the research and the practice and difficulties concerning matter transportation down into terms even I can understand.
NASA "Salad Bowl" project, testing possible "space" gardening
To figure out how to grow plants in space, scientists first had to toss out what is known about plant production. They also had to design, build and operate growing chambers to work under space-like conditions. That meant developing chambers that would work in low pressure and provide plants with what's needed to photosynthesize, or grow and yield adequate quantities of food.
Scientists teleport two different objects
The experiment involved for the first time a macroscopic atomic object containing thousands of billions of atoms. They also teleported the information a distance of half a meter but believe it can be extended further.
Hubble finds new class of extra solar planets
Using the Hubble telescope, astronomers found new planets near the center of the Milky Way that orbit their parent stars in as few as 10 hours.
The newly discovered planets are in a category called "Hot Jupiter" planets. A hot Jupiter planet is a gas giant which orbits its parent star in a very close orbit. These new planets are in this class except they move even more quickly around their parent stars, which are smaller than the sun.
Surface temperatures on those "ultra-short period planets" are about 3,000 degrees F (1,650 degrees C)
Their parent stars are so nearby they fill up one-third of the sky from the horizon to the zenith
Friday, October 06, 2006
Dr Who 'longest-running sci-fi'
Shatner to host Game Show
Life imitates 'Star Trek'
Abducted by aliens? You may have a case!
"There's quite obviously demand for legal advice here," Jens Lorek told Reuters by telephone on Thursday. "The trouble is, people are afraid of making fools of themselves in court."
top grossing star trek movies
Where does yours stand...
• "Star Trek: First Contact"-- $146 million.
• "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"--$139 million.
• "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"--$133 million.
• "Star Trek Generations"--$120 million.
• "Star Trek: Insurrection"--$118 million.
• "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"--$97 million.
• "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country"--$96.9 million.
• "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock"--$87 million.
• "Star Trek Nemesis"--$67 million.
• "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier"--$63 million.
Mine came in sixth....
Joss Whedon comments on Serenity sequel
"There's no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or some such and I'm not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there." were his comments on the blog.
Blogeasy sci-fi blog is down
Monday, October 02, 2006
Is an invisible plane possible?
Yes says VeraTech, a high tech company based in Minnesota. Research is continuing on the Phantom Sentinel, an experimental aircraft that is expected to be Y-shaped, consisting of a single long wing attached to two short aerodynamic extensions which each end in a propeller. Combine that will an overall blue color and as many clear parts as possible and one additional feature…The drone aircraft will spin like the rotor on a helicopter with the net effect being something very similar to what happens to an aircraft propeller or the rotor of a helicopter. When something spins at a high rate, persistence of vision in the human eye renders the object virtually invisible.