A just-published Microsoft patent application for Monitoring Group Activities describes how a company or the government can determine if employees are not meeting their project deadlines through the use of detection components comprised of 'one or more physiological or environmental sensors to detect at least one of heart rate, galvanic skin response, EMG, brain signals, respiration rate, body temperature, movement, facial movements, facial expressions, and blood pressure.

Beam Me up blog is the sister/support site For the Beam Me Up podcast. It contains links, discussion and material that might be or have been discussed on the show. Also links to new show listings and material. Be sure to check out the live stream every Saturday at 4pm eastern at http://www.wrfr.org/links.html and select stream
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Microsoft Seeks Patent On Monitoring Employees' Brains
A just-published Microsoft patent application for Monitoring Group Activities describes how a company or the government can determine if employees are not meeting their project deadlines through the use of detection components comprised of 'one or more physiological or environmental sensors to detect at least one of heart rate, galvanic skin response, EMG, brain signals, respiration rate, body temperature, movement, facial movements, facial expressions, and blood pressure.
Asteroid Impact on Mars: Collision Probability Increased
Friday, December 28, 2007
Two Sci-Fi Classics Picked for Preservation

Two classic sci-fi films, Back to the Future (Robert Zemeckis, 1985) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg, 1977), are among the 25 films selected this year to be preserved by the Library of Congress National Film Registry, with the intent that they are available for future generations to enjoy. The announcement by the Librarian of Congress notes that "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant films from many eras and genres are selected in the annual effort to choose specific films to be guarded against deterioration. Up to half the films produced in this country before 1950, and as much as 90 percent of those made before 1920, are lost forever. Early film stock was recycled for the silver nitrate content, and any film will break down in mere decades. Previous genre selections include 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982 [but which version?]), Cat People (1942), The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), Flash Gordon serial (1936), Frankenstein (1931), Groundhog Day (1993), Invasion of the Body-Snatchers (1951), Planet of the Apes (1968), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Star Wars (1977), The Thing from Another World (1951), and The Wizard of Oz (1939).
“Love + Sex With Robots”
What essentially human traits do you envision future sexbots changing forever?
Obviously, not everyone will be able to afford robots for sex straight away and top-of-the-line ones will undoubtedly command top dollar. Do you think there is room for the poor in this vision?
Do you foresee much of a secondhand/refurbished market for sexbots?
Is it ethical for an adult to have sex with a sexbot designed to look like a child but programmed to “perform” like an experienced adult?
Would you personally use one of these robots? Would your wife? Would she mind if you used one?
Check out the complete interview by clicking the article title or clicking here
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Modern Beetles Predate Dinosaurs

New research hints that modern-day versions of the insects are far older than any tyrannosaur that trod the Earth. The vast amount of beetle species were thought to have arisen 140 million years ago, during the rise of flowering plants. But the new study of beetle DNA and fossils, published in the journal Science, pushes their appearance back to 300 million years ago. To date: 350,000 species of beetles have been cataloged around the world, and millions more are estimated to exist but haven't been discovered — which means they make up more than one-fourth of all known species of life forms. The reason for this tremendous diversity has been debated by scientists for many years but never resolved. However given the new "age" of the species and geological evidence of constantly changing environments, scientists now consider the large number of beetle species existing today could very well be a direct result of early evolutionary success.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
XKCD spoofs Blade Runner.
click on the cartoon graphic to see the larger graphic or
here, to go to the cartoon
FBI aims for world's largest biometrics database
The Washington Post reports that: The FBI is embarking on a $1 billion project to build the world's largest computer database of biometrics to give the government more ways to identify people at home and abroad. The agency expects to award a 10-year contract to expand the amount and kinds of biometric information it receives. The system, called Next Generation Identification, will collect the biometric information. This will be added to the digital images of faces, fingerprints and palm patterns, the FBI already has amassed in its system.
(editor note: I plan on reading Cory's story Scroogled on this week's program. That will be #85)
Astronomers discovered the largest diamond of all times in space.
Astronomers discovered the largest diamond of all times in space. The weight is estimated at ten billion trillion trillion carats or five million trillion trillion pounds). The space diamond is virtually an enormous chunk of crystallized carbon, 4,000 kilometers in diameter. The stone is located at a distance of 50 light years from Earth, in the Constellation Centaurus. The "diamond" also known as BPM 37093, is actually a crystallized white dwarf. A white dwarf is the hot core of a star, left over after the star uses up its nuclear fuel and dies. It is made mostly of carbon and is coated by a thin layer of hydrogen and helium gases.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Documentary: The Order Electrus
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz: Identify sounds from science fiction movies and TV.
I received 79 credits on The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you? | |
Take the Sci-Fi Movie Quiz canon s5 is |
Monday, December 24, 2007
Peter Berg to Direct "Dune" Remake

David Lynch's Dune has its goofy charm, but in retrospect, he was clearly the wrong man to direct the big screen adapation of Frank Herbert's novel. Over 20 years later, we still don't have a big budget and truly faithful adaptation of Herbert's book. Hope isn't dead yet. Director Peter Berg—whose impressive resume includes Bad Things, The Rundown, Friday Night Fights, and The Kingdom—has apparently been signed to film a big-screen adaptation.
You know, I really didn't mind the scifi channel's adaptation. I thought it was pretty good matter of fact. But there is no question that it was made on a very limited budget. I am not going to totally bust on Lynch's version. That would mean that I would have to back track and do a Mexican hat dance on Blade Runner. Why, well lets just say that my favorite saying about a science fiction movie is, 'if you need a narrator to tell the audience what the movie is about, while they are watching the move, and if people in the audience are STILL telling their neighbors what the movie is really all about, your in serious trouble". That describes Blade Runner to a t and even more so, Lynch's Dune. I saw more people lean over and explain what the narrator just said while watching the movie. I had to do the same thing in Blade Runner. Most just didn't "get it" and I know, its annoying as all hell having someone explain a movie to you while your watching it, but I really got...."I have no clue what's going on" during both movies. And I loved Blade Runner! So, lets hope they don't find a need for another narrator for Dune.
Ben Rosenbaum announces The Ant King and Other Stories out in August 2008
The big news (if I haven't told you already) is that my first full-length collection of short stories -- "The Ant King and Other Stories" -- is going to be published by Small Beer Press, best small
press EVAR, in August 2008.
I will let you know more as soon as I get anything new.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Go off the grid with a personal nuclear reactor! REALLY!

Wow, all I need now is a flux capacitor.......
Friday, December 21, 2007
'Active glacier found' on Mars

We have seen evidence that water in liquid form was once common on Mar's surface. Today, evidence shows that a significant amount of the Martian polar regions are composed of water ice. However up to this point this was considered ancient ice, many millions of years old. Recent overflights of the Deuteronilus Mensae region between Mars' rugged southern highlands and the flat northern lowlands by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft have shown an icy feature may only be several thousand years old. This could be significant in not only finding active water underground on Mars but also these areas might be uniquely positive sites for discovering microbial life on the red planet. The reasoning being that as the water peculates to the surface it would carry along any microbes living in the or around the liquid.
For the complete article, click here or the article title
How to talk to aliens or mom Herb just made a bad smell at me!

The problem of communicating with extraterrestrials has been a fascinating intellectual exercise for scientists and philosophers for most of the 20th century. Although Star Trek and Star Wars are rather optimistic that aliens will speak English with a perfectly recognizable American accent, it's possible that they will, in fact, communicate in an unintelligible cacophony of blurps and farting noises.
And there's the rub: We may communicate visually and aurally, but what if aliens communicate chemically? How do you convince them you are an intelligent life form when your body can only squirt out the smell of methane from time to time?
With that in mind, I might come across as verbose and loud.....but that's another subject....Well, John came across a really fascinating article in the December 1947 Popular Mechanix which he calls clear and charming, Called "How will we talk to Martians, dealing with just such a problem. Check it out.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Review of A War Of Gifts - An Ender Story by Orson Scott Card

A War Of Gifts will not set a new high standard for Card or for Science Fiction, but it wasn’t intended to either. It is a modest story, well written and like all of the recent “Ender tales” about the Ender’s Game primarily about the minor characters. What card does is take a complex person and decode them into psychologically understandability. He does it with a humane and unjaded eye. If you come at it without a lot of preconceptions I think you can quite enjoy it - as I most certainly did.
So that being said...the audio version may very well have more legs than the printed. Jesse has a great deal more to say on the subject, points that I can not disagree with. Its well worth taking a trip over to SFFAudio and reading Jesse's review.
Review: Wastelands, Stories of the Apocalypse
Trade Paperback
ISBN : 1-59780-105-4
Pages: 350 Price: $15.95
Publisher: Night Shade Books
I know if your like me you view "theme" books with a bit of skepticism. Assembling a collection of any size with only one "type" of story can be daunting. I have often found many of these types of books containing one or a few really top notch stories and the rest relegated to filler. Collections like Ellison's Dangerous Visions is a shining example of how to do it right. Is Wastelands in that league? Not quite, but DAMN close. The stories are not as "dangerous" as DV and it's no where near the size of DVs. However, don't take me wrong, the tales in Wastelands are the crème de la crème of this genre and for that matter science fiction as a whole. Often the editors choice of covers is their attempt to put their best foot forward, so by looking at just the cover of Wastelands, one might suspect that the author is attempting to snare you on name recognition alone. Believe me, this is not the case. Yes, notable names all, however the tales between those names are every bit as strong. A good example is one of my favorites in this book and appearances elsewhere - The People of Sand and Slag, by Paolo Bacigalupi, or better called a boy and his dog and an appetizer. An absolutely stunning story of the far future and an equal to any of the "names" on the front. The whole book is like this. One retina blasting mind numbing yarn after another. King's story alone is worth the price of the book. (a kind of sideways retelling of Flowers for Algernon) The only suggestion is that you read each story straight through and put the book down and walk away for a time. Each story deserves to be considered on it's own merit. The subject matter and the tales themselves are often so strong and different that you very well could miss the high point of one while recovering from the blast received from the previous reading. Wastelands is well worth the cost. The author has done his job in exemplary manner. Wastelands would make an excellent gift for the jaded science fiction fan.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Shatner meets Miss Piggy on a plane...
Real Life Cylon Raiders closer than we think!

From the SciFi Scanner article: It's far-fetched sci-fi at its finest. But is it really so far-fetched? Scientists at the University of Florida have grown a brain in a petri dish and taught it to pilot an F-22 jet simulator; a task that the non-sentient dollop of cerebral goo accomplished quite ably, even keeping the F-22 on its flight path in a virtual hurricane.
I can see that the pundits of science fiction are right, but only so far. Up to this point it was easy to tell the players. Robotic, robots, androids, cyborgs, human. The truth is that the future may well be a blending of all of the above.
Black Hole Fires At Neighboring Galaxy

Click the article title or here for more
Last light can be found in the Beam Me Up archive at http://penbay.org/wrfr/bstories/archive.htm
This composite image shows the jet from a black hole at the center of a galaxy striking the edge of another galaxy, the first time such an interaction has been found. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/D.Evans
Intergalactic Explosion Shocks Astronomers

Complete article
(hummmmm so it was an explosion big enough to indicate a supermassive star but there never was any star there.... I hear the trekkies now.... the antimatter containment field collapsed in one of the nacelles of a FTL cruiser. hey, works for me!)
in the photo A recent galaxy collision produced the long tail in the Tadpole Galaxy. If GRB 070125 exploded in a similar tail, only Hubble could detect the tail. (Credit: Credit: NASA)
Monday, December 17, 2007
New billboard puts voices in your head

So it is now possible to not only aim an exact product at you, but as you move, it moves with you and now they can target sound for such an ad, just for you, beamed right AT you.
complete article
10 Sad DIY Geek Gifts You Should Never Buy

Oh and be forewarned.....its very ugly....funny and ugly
Issue 115 of AntipodeanSF is now available

This month's flash stories are:
"The 32 Paths" by Nathan Burrage
"Close Encounter" by Richard Pitaniello
"Just Your Type" by Joan Malpass
"The Favour" by Lynton Haggett
"CRT" by Shaun A. Saunders
"The Barbeque Stopper" by Simon P. King
"Entropy" by David Kernot
"The Boardriders and Windsurfers" by Des Rogers
"Good Home Wanted" by Matthew Wallace
"Back Memory" by Theutes
Meanwhile, in "E-Scapes" Sue Clennell joins Liz Williams in "Bloodmind" and ponders the difference between good killers and bad killers, while in "Vide" Nuke undergoes a shocking experience with Charlaine Harris in "Grave Surprise", and lets Adam Roberts parody the good Doctor in "Dr Whom".
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Antarctic sub to test waters for Jupiter moon mission

(Illustration: Michael Carroll/NASA/JPL
Friday, December 14, 2007
Get Terminated!!!!

The site allows you to upload an image that will then be turned into a Terminator robot and inserted in some of the show's action scenes.
(hint, make your photo a head shot, no background, no white either, dpi of 72 and 3x5 inches will make integrating the picture much easier. )
I know...its horrible....but I just had to do it! lmfao!
In Sci-fi news.....
Our favorite Bajoran is set to do a recurring role on BSG when it resumes in 08 or gasp 09, Nana Visitor or better known to DS9 fans as Major Kira Nerys will play a fellow cancer patient. Now unless you have been in a coma TRUE fans of Nana know where here digs have been lately. She has been doing equally heavy spy duty on CBS' NCIS. Here is a link to the article
In the really distressing news department: Terry Pratchett (the beloved fantasy and sci-fi author behind the Discworld series) has written an open letter to his fans, and it's pretty awful stuff: Pratchett has Alzheimer's. Click here for Pratchett's comments and more of the article
Sad news for Journeyman fans: It looks like the time-traveling adventures of Kevin McKidd, the San Francisco journalist sliding madly through time, have been put on permanent hiatus by NBC. No big surprise, I have been hearing this stuff for a couple of weeks....was hoping that more would warm to the show....not the case I suspect. Complete article
'Twilight zones' on scorched planets could support life
How many times have we all read the stories about the tidal locked planet that is broiling hot on bright side and arctic cold on the dark side? But in between the hot and cold, the dark and the light exists a "twilight zone" area where the conditions are just right to maintain life. I know I have lost count of the times I have seen this plot device used. Well it seems that some of the newest planets discovered might fit into this niche. Not only do they inhabit the "life zone" but may also possess the very perturbations that would allow life to exist.
Here is the compete story or click the article title
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Dragonriders of Pern is going to the movies

Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern novels have been optioned by Steve Hoban of the Oscar winning Canadian film production company Copperheart Entertainment. Mz. McCaffrey said “I decided that Pern had to be done right and I wouldn’t let it go to someone unless I was certain that they were committed to excellence,” says Anne McCaffrey. “Steve brings not only his proven talent but his very great enthusiasm to the endeavor. I’m thrilled to be working with an Academy Award® winning Producer. Pern is in excellent hands!”
This being said....not everyone is all grins and excitement. The folks over at SciFi Scanner feel that Anne has let things run on a bit. The only saving grace in their minds was that she hadn't sold out...and now.... click here for their thoughts
Humans Evolving Faster, Becoming More Different.

“We used a new genomic technology to show that humans are evolving rapidly, and that the pace of change has accelerated a lot in the last 40,000 years, especially since the end of the Ice Age roughly 10,000 years ago,” says research team leader Henry Harpending, a distinguished professor of anthropology at the University of Utah.
The study was published online Monday, Dec. 10 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“We aren’t the same as people even 1,000 or 2,000 years ago,” Harpending says, which may explain, for example, part of the difference between Viking invaders and their peaceful Swedish descendants. “The dogma has been these are cultural fluctuations, but almost any temperament trait you look at is under strong genetic influence.”
“Human races are evolving away from each other,” he says. “Genes are evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity.” (Full story)
Mars rover finds signs of microbial life

click for complete article
Mammoths were blasted from outer space

Complete article here
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Space tug offered for NASA’s orbital use

Space Systems/Loral, a major manufacturer of large, commercial communications satellites, hopes to convince NASA to take a chance on its novel idea for delivering cargo to the international space station. The Palo Alto, Calif.-based company was one of at least seven companies to submit proposals Nov. 21 for $175 million in Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) demonstration money that is back up for grabs, following NASA's decision to withdraw support from Rocketplane Kistler's stalled K-1 reusable launcher program.
complete article here
Monday, December 10, 2007
Happy 90th, Arthur C Clarke!

“I would like to close by mentioning a possibility of the more remote future--perhaps half a century ahead. An ``artificial satellite'' at the correct distance from the earth would make one revolution every 24 hours; i.e., it would remain stationary above the same spot and would be within optical range of nearly half the earth's surface. Three repeater stations, 120 degrees apart in the correct orbit, could give television and microwave coverage to the entire planet.”
Today, the Clarke Orbit has over 330 satellites. And even more amazing is that envisioned geo-sync, 2001, Rendezvous with Rama, Childhood's End and more, celebrates his 90th birthday 12/16/07. A fellow fan has put together a blog that allows fans like ourselves to log in and leave a birthday greeting for Sir Arthur. If you would like to, click on the link below or the article title, to be taken to the site.
Sir Arthur C Clarke’s 90th birthday wish blog
picture credit- Shahidul Alam
The Running Man Goes Reality
Well you might have thought that, but it seems that you very well might be wrong! Not knowing how much longer the strike might go on and a real need to fill programming slots, has led the sci-fi channel to consider the inconceivable - a reality show. Matter of fact the world's first sci-fi themed reality show: Run For The Money. Yep, it's The Running Man, without all those inconvenient fatalities. Here are the detail:
Based on a successful Japanese format from Fuji Television, the action takes place over 60 minutes of real time in various landmark locations. As the clock winds down, the competition gets harder as more hunters appear on the streets, the game perimeter gets smaller, and tasks are assigned that test fraying nerves. Contestants earn money for every second they 'stay alive' and may opt out at their choosing. If they keep playing and are overrun by a hunter, they lose everything. The last person standing takes the prize.
Well, lets see - I thought "the Running Man, was a cartoonish joke......I can't say a spin off reality show does much for me.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Should there be a lifetime chievement Hugo award
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Zahn's Third Lynx doesn't pussyfoot around

published by Tim Doherty Associates
Another rollicking space detective story by Timothy Zahn. Here, private eye Frank Compton and sidekick Bayta make their way through the crowded universe recently visited in Zahn's Night Train to Rigel.
Once again... all abooooaard!
The Quadrail Express is on the move, and in first class compartmented splendor, Zahn's sleuth Frank Compton, a banished government intelligence agent turned freelance gumshoe, hired by the secretive owners of the Express and its farflung stations to aid them in their struggle with the Modrhi, an aggressive colonial alien species that threatens to homogenize the presently very heterogenous mix of Galactic cultures, is settling down to "a sizzling plate of artistically arranged Shorshic pili tentacles", when....
And that when is the moment in all good detective tales, nay in ALL good tales, when the Hero is hurled from mundane toil into a new all engulfing, world-changing Task, and must use his/her/its wits, vigor and savoir-faire to save a largely indifferent universe.
Here in that when moment, private eye Compton crossly lowers his forkfull of tentacles to his plate and, bidding his lovely company-supplied girl friday Bayta follow in his wake, leads us from the dining car on a romp though the busy Galactic railway bazaar (so does Paul Thoreau term in his travelogues the heady, ever changing combinations of commerce, culture, and class distinction yet democracy, aboard the isolated, confined yet motile spaces of a long distance passenger train) in quest of purloined treasure.
A few dying-words-from-a-bit-part-player later, and we are elbowing our way through the teeming scaled, furred and feathered multitudes that inhabit Zahn Space in splendid Dickensian variety, all solemnly minding their own business enroute to their destinations among the bustling twelve galactic empires serviced by the Quadrail Express in tightly controlled neutrality. Gunslinger aliens, for example, must check their weapons into the cargo holds for the journey, but the culture-respecting train authorities, for appearances sake, allow them to pack nonfunctional plastic replica pistols in their holsters while aboard, to let them maintain their internal class distinctions.
Not one, not two but TWELVE empires rub shoulders in Zahn's galaxy. Most writers, one would think, would despair of keeping the characters from more than two empires straight enough to maintain coherence in their tale, let alone we hapless readers, who must consult lengthy, absurd Dramatis Personae to keep track of precisely who Lord Haw-haw or the Baroness Trotter is. Come now, Zahn! Twelve? How dare you?
But he succeeds! Civilization after civilization rises before our eyes and, in the span of a few words dashed upon the page, unfolds resplendent, absurd, colorful, then vanishes into the background roar while another hoves into view. Bellidosh in their well-armed rodentian earnestness. Lumbering Halkavisti, dolphin-snouted Shorshins and hawk-beaked Juriani. Fibibibs and Cimmaheem, too, rise to the fore, then subside into the general din. Homshil, Nemuti and goose-feathered Pirks, too, are among the galaxy's citizens in lawful transit aboard the Express.
Then there are the villains, for what detective tale would dare lack them? Zahn lavishes but a few on us, but they are suitably dreadful: the terrible yet vanquished Shonkla-raa, whose fell creation, the Modrhi, an intelligent, telepathic and aggressively invasive colonial coral-being, lives on, burrowing like malevolent Babel Fish into the brains or alien-correlates-thereof of unsuspecting galactic citizens, turning them into puppets, obedient-on-demand to the central Modrhi consciousness, yet otherwise going about their lives, unaware of the bit of alien protoplasm embedded in their brains guiding their decisions at need.
For various reasons, the Modrhi have issues with the proprietors of the Express, who have created their own cyborgs, the nonviolent, ego-free Spiders, to carry out maintenance and servicing and other necessary railroad tasks. Their creators, the Chahwyn, who have hired Detective Compton to suss out their schemes, are a shy species that prefers being the invisible hand of the galactic marketplace. Not a timid one, for they were instrumental in the overthrow of the Shankla Ra from galactic hegemony, but not eager for the limelight either.
Thus the Chahwyn have put Frank Compton on their payroll. He's been recently fired from service in the intelligence service of the Western Alliance, aka the 'Human Empire' or as Campton calls it "Earth and four pathetic little colony systems"; a reasonable statement when that "empire" is contrasted, for example, with the thousands of planets under "Shorshonian" sway. The universe is a busy place, and Earth is quite insignificant in the shuffling, flapping, skittering crowd of Big Empires: the Nemuti FarReach, the Greesovra System, the Filiaelian Territory, the Ghonsilya system.
Zahn bids us peep into the lives of these civilized peoples, all linked by the Express. It is in these voyeuristic snapshots of them, these miniatures, sometimes impressionistic, sometimes clear as cut crystal, always interesting, that Zahn's book charms.
Will Compton save the day? Will he get the girl? Will he ever get to finish a plateful of Shorshic pili tentacles? Of course he will and can, the devil. How could he not, for he of such heroic (even if pleasantly flawed) parts that even the galaxy-engulfing Modrhi must treat him with grudging but unbreakable honor? And yet.....
There is something absurd even while enobling, about joining Compton's tete a tetes with shoulder-holstered chipmunks, in sharing his first class dining car with "goose-feathered Pirks" noshing on "the horrible things they liked to eat"; in watching him exchange bows and blows, salutations and insults with the great galactic bestiary.
In all of these acts, these beings, we see the same mixture of cupidity, joy, fear, pleasure, suspicion, trust, dogmatism, tolerance and finally common sense we look for and find in each other and must admit to of ourselves.
In Zahn's created universe, unlike some, one can actually love one's enemy. Even when kicking its alien hindquarters across the dining car. In our time, with fundamentalism-fired hate setting mercy on the backburner, he has a message for us, if we will listen.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Exercise pill hope for depression
Exercise pill hope for depression E he natural "high" produced by exercise could one day be available in a pill that targets a gene in our brains. The Yale University experts say that experiments on mice could show why regular exercise can help people suffering from depression. Mental Health charities in the UK already back exercise programmes as a way of lifting depression. While the link between exercise and improved mood is well known, the reasons behind it are not fully understood. The latest research focuses on an area of the brain called the hippocampus, which is already established as a target for antidepressant drugs. The team developed a test to see which genes in this region were made more active during exercise, and highlighted one called VGF. This gene is linked to a "growth factor" chemical involved in the development of nerve cells. This fitted with their theory that, for depression to lift, changes in the actual structure and links between brain cells are needed, not just changes in the chemicals surrounding the cells. The next step was to make a version of that chemical, and to test it on mice, where it showed an effect on their behaviour that roughly equated to antidepressant effects in humans. The researchers believe that a drug based on VGF could offer "possibly even superior efficacy" to current antidepressants.
Click here for more
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Much of universe may be made up of 'Turkish Taffy'

It is only a matter of time before this state of matter finds its way into speculative/science fiction. Or has it already?
What one might usefully call the Turkish Taffy State, for Super Solids are solids with fluid properties. Matter that flows yet may be torn, sheared, snapped.
Silliness aside, we can thank Quantum fluids and solids researcher, Prof. John Beamish, chair of the UA's Department of Physics, and PhD student James Day, for reporting their findings in a paper published in the science journal Nature on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2007.
They cooled helium to a solid state and then manipulated the material by shearing it elastically. In doing so, they found that the solid unexpectedly became much stiffer at the lowest temperatures.
Like...turkish taffy?
Their work follows on the heels of a 2004 discovery by Penn State University team led by Dr. Moses Chan, which electrified the physics world when it announced that it discovered that when they cooled solid helium to an extremely low temperature, and oscillated the material at different speeds, the particles behaved in a way not seen before, suggesting the “perpetual flow” seen in superfluids like liquid helium.
Leave a bar of taffy on your dashboard in the summer, however, and that perpetual flow kicks right in.
What Professor Beamish and his student James Day found was that the shear modulus of solid helium increases by 20% when it is cooled below 0.25K. Shear modulus is the quantification of a solid material's response to "shearing strains", i.e. being cut or torn; as contrasted with "bulk modulus": a solid material's response to uniform pressure.
Chan of Penn State praised their efforts as significantly adding to the body of knowledge about the fundamental states of matter allowed by nature. “This is an important breakthrough since the original discovery,” he said.
What may come as science fiction writers adopt this state of matter into their stories?
Someday sci-fi historians may someday point to Douglas Adams' "intelligent paint' in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy' as an early harbinger of this new found state of matter.
Image from film Raggedy Anne and Andy 1977
? kind of geek R U

Photo geek, Bargin Bin Geek, Trek Geek, Portable Geek, Robot Geek, Rock Geek, Podcast Geek, Fitness Geek, Gadget Geek, Book Geek, Electronics Geek, Anime Geek, Ham Radio Geek, Tv Geek
And most of the time I am an a amalgam of several at the same time.....so that makes me either a Geek Geek or a Super Geek? but I am not a geek about super....soooooo....
lol ok...see which one you are!
click on graphic for larger viewing
IBM researchers build supercomputer-on-a-chip
I know that most of you are familiar with Moore's Law which concerns the size of computer chips or tech in general. To simplify it : Moore basically said that every 2 years the amount of transistors that can be placed on a chip will double and do it for half the cost. Now with the research going on at IBM that very formula could happen to super computer tech.
The technology, called silicon nanophotonics, replaces some of the wires on a chip with pulses of light on tiny optical fibers for quicker and more power-efficient data transfers between cores on a chip. The technology, which can transfers data up to a distance of a few centimeters, is about 100 times faster than wires and consumes one-tenth as much power. The improved data bandwidth and power efficiency of silicon nanophotonics will bring massive computing power to desks. We'll be able to have hundreds or thousands of cores on a chip.
Now this tech is designed to bring down the total amount of "wire" inside a chip. Each chip contains millions and in the near future, billions of transistors. Now to function, each transistor needs some wire to allow it to function. So in the short term, wire will not be completely replaced. On the horizon though is a transistor or light valve if you would that will store digital information as light instead of electrical energy. This may further shrink the size of a super computer to the size of today's cell phone.
Nanophotonics is still a decade away and storing data as light is only theory and even further in the future. However it is conceivable that within a lifetime it may be possible to carry the computing power now reserved governments and thousands of square feet of space, in one's pocket. Does that sound familiar or what?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Astronomers find evidence of another Universe....
Monday, December 03, 2007
Mike Resnick on the Hugo Awards in Baen's Universe

.....1957,.... only three Hugos were handed out.....You know how many Hugos were awarded this year? Fourteen. And of those fourteen, you know how many were given out for written science fiction, which is the basis for this entire field? Four. That’s right. Less than 30% of the Hugos now go to written works of science fiction.
Click here for the newest issue of Jim Baen's Universe
or click the article title to go to Mike's article.
Katee Sarkoff walks away from Bionic Woman

China says moon pictures not faked from NASA

Youngest Solar Systems Detected by Astronomers

The systems are around the young stars UX Tau A and LkCa 15, located in the Taurus star formation region just 450 light years away. Using a telescope that measures levels of infrared radiation, the researchers noticed gaps in the protoplanetary disks of gas and dust surrounding these stars. They say those gaps are most likely caused by infant planets sweeping those areas clear of debris.
A paper on the findings by astronomy doctoral student Catherine Espaillat, professor Nuria Calvet, and their colleagues is published in the Dec. 1 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Intelligent Software Helps Build Perfect Robotic Hand

Scientists in Portsmouth and Shanghai are working on intelligent software that will take them a step closer to building the perfect robotic hand. Using artificial intelligence, they are creating software which will learn and copy human hand movements. They hope to replicate this in a robotic device which will be able to perform the dexterous actions only capable today by the human hand.
Picture is The 'cyberglove' used to capture data about how the human hand moves. (Credit: Image courtesy of University Of Portsmouth)
The Death Star help desk
Indian science fiction -- past and present
From the article:
Click here for the complete article