NASA will use the Orion crew exploration vehicle to replace the space shuttle fleet, take astronauts to the moon and perhaps to Mars. Unlike Apollo and earlier spacecraft, it will be reusable. NASA has asked for eight separate spaceships.

Beam Me up blog is the sister/support site For the Beam Me Up podcast. It contains links, discussion and material that might be or have been discussed on the show. Also links to new show listings and material. Be sure to check out the live stream every Saturday at 4pm eastern at and select stream
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Lockheed Martin Wins NASA Moon Contract
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Pluto Will Keep a Place in Maine
The planet - um, dwarf planet - is represented by a half-inch wooden ball that is a part of the Maine Solar System Model created by a geology professor at the University of Maine-Presque Isle and lots of volunteers.
The scale model - one mile equals 93 million miles, the distance from the Earth to the sun - took four years to complete and begins with a wooden representation of the sun on the Presque Isle campus.
The display is spread out over 40 miles along Route 1 where passing travelers can gawk at each planet and test their memories of grade school science.
ESA Smart 1 to Crash into the Moon
The prime object of this mission was to test the ion engine they hope to use for future interplanetary missions, such as the BepiColombo joint mission to Mercury with Japan's space agency slated for launch in 2013. Check out the link for more details
Monday, August 28, 2006
Robot takes flight with hydrogen fuel cell
The craft, which has a wingspan of 22 feet, has made several flights lasting up to a minute. Fuel cell UAVs could offer some distinct advantages. One, they are quiet, which, considering that UAVs are used for battlefield reconnaissance, is important. Two, they leave a more faint heat signature than UAVs on electric motors, so they potentially won't get picked up by counterintelligence systems as easily.
(can anyone say Terminators....I knew that you could...PAC)Revolutionary LED Fabric
Friday, August 25, 2006
Planet Earth may have 'tilted' to keep its balance
China and Russia plan a joint mission to Mars
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Pluto ain't a planet anymore.....
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Astronomers rethink planet definition
Spaceman spills the beans
But apparently U.S. astronaut Jeff Williams, floating 220 miles above Earth at the international space station, didn't get the memo.
Williams let it slip Tuesday that the new vehicle's name is Orion.
The future of Robots
Monday, August 21, 2006
SMART-1 on the trail of the Moon’s beginnings
Thanks to a large solar explosion and ESA SMART-1 observations, that might not be entirely the case.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Apollo 11 film found..on the Dark Side of the Moon
The reel belongs to Australian film producer and rock video director Peter Clifton, had ordered the reel in 1979 for a rock film he was making about Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon but forgot he had it until seeing a news report on television .
Discovered "footage" may solve big mystery
A REEL of film packed away in a personal collection and placed in storage 20 years ago could be a key to unlocking the mystery of the missing tapes of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
The footage of Neil Armstrong's "one small step" on the moon is considered among the most important artefacts of the 20th century. But the original NASA tapes have been mislaid in a labyrinth of archives in the United States. It is now hoped that a reel of 16 millimetre film owned by two Australian music-film producers will help direct researchers to the warehouse or museum where the missing tapes are stored — if they still exist.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Beam Me Up Episode 15 for 08/19/2006
Well Murphy's law continues to strike fear in the hearts of mortal bloggers. The cd recorders decided to stop working half way through he broadcast so we had to redo the last half of the show for the podcast in the studio at Stella Maris. So it's been a long day.
Subjects for discussion this week are: Here a planet, there a planet... More and more and more planets...Nasa if not wasting or losing is scavenging our history away with Aries1, weird biology. New Star Trek News, can anyone say roast, comments on Star Gate's 200th - Part 2 of my interview with Nelson of New Farmer films and part 4 of Cory Doctorow's I robot. Plus more....honest!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Earth's moon could become a planet
to gravity and more than 500 miles across - it can be classified
as a planet - i started joking that the moon will be our next planet...
I was joking, but here is an article that proposes just that.
Click the link below or the article title for the CNN article.
Colbert's 9 planet rant
What was 9 is now 12...Planets that is
A committee of the International Astronomical Union, which decides such matters, voted unanimously Tuesday to add three worlds to our solar system's planetary population. More planets will be added later, astronomers said.
The IAU committee recognized two other plutons -- Pluto's smaller companion, Charon, and Xena, an icy body bigger than Pluto that was discovered in 2003.
In addition, Ceres, the biggest asteroid between Mars and Jupiter, will regain the planetary status it enjoyed in the 19th century.
Thus the new roll call of planets, starting closest to the sun, would be: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon and Xena.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Mussels can evolve at an "astonishing" rate
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
New space port in the NOVA SCOTIA
Voyager 1: Hits New Milestone
But what is so amazing is that both Voyager spacecraft continue to operate and send back data! In depth story link
Nasa goes back to the future....(and this is a good thing?)
without funding and this happens. I have been mentioning
something like this happening on the podcast (
I got a lot of blank looks and recycling bs but I ask you how is dusting of almost 50 year old tech a good thing? You think I'm kidding?! Here is an exerpt and the link. Judge for yourself.
... a manager at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center has been removing valves and other parts from Apollo exhibits as he oversees construction of the upper-stage engine on the new moon rocket, dubbed Ares 1. Some of the pieces and accompanying documentation are not available anywhere but museums.....
here is the link
Check out my Skylab post a few entries ago. this mindset is
nothing new. This is just another example of how our space
history legacy to the future is being raped by every level of
the Bush and Nasa admin.
Discovery hints at space rocks beyond Neptune
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
NASA can't find original tape of moon landing
"I wouldn't say we're worried" said one NASA spokesman......(humm for not worried there seems to be a lot of worrying going on in the news and blogs... )
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Is Pluto a planet? New discoveries cloud the issue
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Sink-or-swim robot race
Friday, August 11, 2006
Is it a Plane? Is it a Rocket? Rocketplane maybe
Space Pioneer Van Allen Dies
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Group work to resore Skylab mockup
Today, the full-size training mock-up of Skylab is slowly rotting away in a parking lot, it has flecks of gray paint from a wall dotting its mesh floor, and a bird's nest resting in an equipment compartment. Restoring Skylab mockup
China to 'space-mutate' seeds
In an effort to feed its ever-growing population, Chinese officials are launching over 2,000 seeds into orbit for a two-week trip designed to force the seeds to mutate. Exposed to special environment such as cosmic radiation and micro-gravity, it is hoped that some seeds will mutate to such an extent that they may produce much higher yields. Don't believe is the link
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mars Rover Inspects Beagle Crater
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Remote-Controlled Humans
Link to story
Automated garage traps cars
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tiny Star Has Companion Planet
The question arose due to the discovery of what appears to be a companion planet of a tiny star called Oph1622, the New York Times reports.
The star is about 400 light-years from Earth and is so small that it never shown brightly, the astronomers say. LINK
Sunday, August 06, 2006
10 miles on no gallons beats all mpg averages
"Infinity Miles Per Gallon," a 15 minute film, shot by Nelson Cole of New Farmer Films chronicles the creation of this ultimate green machine that Haines, a mechanical engineer from Norridgewock,Maine built. Check out the story here
Extremely Large Telescope could reveal secrets of life, the universe and everything
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Fireball caught on tape
See the video from the officer's cruiser camera
asteroid could rock your world in '36
death and darkness), will come very close
to our planet in 2029, and have a chance
of hitting Earth on its next pass in 2036.
If it hits, the impact would equal the
force of 100 nuclear bombs link
Can We Make Another Universe?
Friday, August 04, 2006
Our universe may be 15% larger and older than we thought,
Big bang pushed back two billion years
Recent estimates have put the age of the universe at 13.7 billion years, and the new research suggests it may actually be 15.8 billion years old. linkPhilip K. Dick biopic
Thursday, August 03, 2006
What was before the "Big Bang"?
full story here
A 10+ Foot Tall Wearable Robot Suit with Guns for Sale
A Sci-Fi Writer Who Lived Her Own Amazing Stories
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Life After Earth: Imagining Survival Beyond This Terra Firma
Robot exoskeleton that can be worn by human
Can high-tech cavemen live on the Moon?
check out "Moon Caves" for more info
Has alien contact been made....YES
According to Dr. Steven Greer:
(paraphrased) We have confirmation that SETI has received signals "confirmed"as contact from an alien source. These multiple signals are increasing in number and frequency.
See article